MURDER USA Gang member Roland Juarez-Vasquez charged in homicide of William Canales in beef over babe LANGLEY PARK, MD. One excuse to whack someone in …
Tag: Upper Marlboro

Campaign Cash Continues Culture of Corruption in PG — on Angie Alsobrook’s List of those who may pay to play Analysis and Commentary By …

The fact that the breakdown in black families, the lower than needed rate of incarceration for criminals in PG County and the liberal judges and prosecutors continuing to give light sentences is lost not only on the PG prosecutors but also the public, perhaps unaware, or, for some such as those interviewed in the WUSA segment, in favor of making pot legal.

Murder USA: Mahdi Lawson of Upper Marlboro Sentenced to 15 Years in Prison for Gun and Drug Offenses
Under all the circumstances, we are persuaded that the evidence presented, viewed in the light most favorable to the State, could have led a rational trier of fact to reasonably conclude that Benton conspired with his co-defendant, Lawson, to murder Sharod James and that Benton and Lawson did, in fact, shoot and kill James on the night of November 16, 2012.

The vehicle took the exit for Water Street at the Equestrian Center in Upper Marlboro where it crashed into a tree in the wooded area along the access ramp that leads back to Maryland Rt. 4 north. The suspect fled the wreckage on foot. K-9 and a helicopter with FLIR were deployed in an effort to locate the suspect. After an extensive search the suspect was not located and his whereabouts and identity are unknown at this time. The PG County Police Department responded to assist with the search and assumed the crash investigation. Maryland State Police and Park Police assisted with the search also. There was a substantial amount of blood around the crash scene and blood drenched clothing was also located nearby indicating the suspect received substantial injury during the crash.

Corporal Michael Waters rushed to a home in Upper Marlboro after a drowning call came into 911. A two-year-old toddler was discovered in the family pool. The child’s family had started CPR. When he arrived, Corporal Waters took over and continued CPR until paramedics arrived. The little boy survived.

The monthly print edition of THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY can now be found on newsstands all over Maryland. Reaching far beyond the Southern Maryland region, look for THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY in major stores in Prince Georges County, Anne Arundel County, Baltimore County, Queen Anne County, Talbot County, Worcester and Wicomico on Maryland’s Eastern Shore as well as in Delaware. The print edition will soon be distributed in Northern Neck Virginia as well. Advertisers may reach Larry Jarboe at 240-298-5253 or Ken Rossignol at 301-535-8624.

The I-Team’s review of Maryland State Highway Administration records found government work crews had removed more than 1,600 unlawfully placed road signs in Montgomery and Prince George’s counties over a recent four-month span. Crews pulled 450 more from state roads in Frederick, Howard and Carroll counties. Those signs include a large number of campaign advertisements, according to a state spokesman.
Once removed by crews, the campaign signs are deposited in storage areas at state garages. News4 I-Team cameras captured images of hundreds of signs piled near a salt dome at the state garage in Upper Marlboro. Advertisements for local and state candidates, including candidates from both parties, were among those retrieved.

Disbarred by Consent on December 16, 2013, for failing to represent her clients with competence, reasonable diligence and promptness, for misappropriation of client funds and for engaging in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation

Anyone traveling southbound on Rt. 301 at Upper Marlboro where the CSX railroad crosses the highway would likely notice the pronounced bump in the road where the crossing is need of repair. It appears that the State Highway folks must have had a lot of irate motorists complaining and finally repairs are set to be made on April 11th, necessitating the closing of the entire highway for a weekend