COURT NEWS: What is in the water at the Charles County Courthouse? Judicial Disabilities Commission recommends a 3-year suspension for Judge Lou Hennessey; Judge says …
Category: This Just In!
Supreme Court of the United StatesNo. 20A84REPUBLICAN PARTY OF PENNSYLVANIA,Applicantv.KATHY BOOCKVAR, SECRETARY OF PENNSYLVANIA, ET AL. O R D E R All county boards of …
LAW AND DISORDER The following crime investigations occurred in St. Mary’s County, Maryland. The names have not been changed; the outcomes of arrests are reported …
Southern Md. Police Beat: Samantha & Wayne Somerville maced victim in a robbery in Millison Plaza, say police; tracked by witness to restroom lair LEXINGTON …
A Tall Timbers woman is dead and a teenage boy was caught with her car at the Richmond Airport following her slaying on Sunday, Sept. 17, 2017, reports the Virginia State Police.
How politics entered the tragedy as politicians rushed to appear in front of cameras
MURDER USA CRAZY CAMO ROBBER – Armed robber blasted store clerk in Baltimore City with shotgun VIDEO
A white male armed with a shotgun blasted a clerk in a Baltimore store and then when a security door closed behind him, blew holes in the glass to be able to exit
Prince William County Police Beat / DWI Arrests; Violent Crime and Assaults; Narcotics Arrests
After serving his time, the would-be cop killer David Spears, got sober, became born-again and worked hard to turn his life around. Trooper Koenig retired and became a court security officer in Leonardtown at the Circuit Courthouse.
Flint was arrested at the scene and taken to MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital for psychiatric evaluation because of a bench warrant issued by a Judge on March 5, 2018. The warrant was outstanding as of the time of the stabbing.