Maryland State Police Beat / OUT TO KILL A COP
LEONARDTOWN, MD. – A career-ending crash is shown in these photos.
Maryland State Trooper David Koenig was hit head-on at the intersection of Rt. 5 and Rt. 245 in Leonardtown in 1995.
The St. Mary’s County man who hit the trooper told others, who called 911, that he was out to kill a cop when he left a residence at Tin Top Hill on MacIntosh Road.
The male hit Koenig’s unmarked police cruiser, sending the trooper to the hospital and precipitated his medical retirement from his career.
After serving his time, the would-be cop killer David Spears, got sober, became born-again and worked hard to turn his life around. Trooper Koenig retired and became a court security officer in Leonardtown at the Circuit Courthouse.
See more of cops and crime in THE STORY OF THE RAG in Kindle, paperback and Audible.