The investigation revealed the fire burned inside of the restaurant for over an hour prior to any notification to the local fire departments.
All Crime, All The Time – News and Commentary on the Criminal Class
The investigation revealed the fire burned inside of the restaurant for over an hour prior to any notification to the local fire departments.
EASTON, MD. — The conviction of Harry M. Walsh Jr., a former Talbot County attorney, for possession and exchanging of thousands of images of child pornography in Florida raises serious questions about a possible cover-up in Easton.
Walsh, 60, who was disbarred in Maryland in 2006 was convicted in Florida; last month was sentenced to more than 63 years in prison.
DENTON, MD. — Heroin, the home wrecker, the heart-stopper, the black ice. For some, the final door to hell.
Maryland officials are scrambling statewide to find a way to reduce heroin use and the crescendo of overdose deaths linked to heroin and to that of a new/old synthetic drug called Molly, which killed two young people at a traveling dope show held last weekend at the Merriweather Post Pavilion in Columbia, Md.
One particularly dangerous version of the toxic drug is a fentanyl-laced heroin.
Heroin was once the province of junkies in the inner city — desperate and degraded, shooting up in alleys and tenements of major cities.
The cash registers were jingling at thousands of retail stores as shoppers loaded up on groceries and other items needed to fuel families on vacation at the beach this past weekend, throughout the Eastern Shore of Maryland but especially at Ocean City.
The sales tax collection for Gov. Martin O’Malley’s spending programs must have been tremendous while a review of roadside campaign clutter revealed that the big fight between O’Malley’s junior partner and Republican Larry Hogan has yet to catch fire.
The monthly print edition of THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY can now be found on newsstands all over Maryland. Reaching far beyond the Southern Maryland region, look for THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY in major stores in Prince Georges County, Anne Arundel County, Baltimore County, Queen Anne County, Talbot County, Worcester and Wicomico on Maryland’s Eastern Shore as well as in Delaware. The print edition will soon be distributed in Northern Neck Virginia as well. Advertisers may reach Larry Jarboe at 240-298-5253 or Ken Rossignol at 301-535-8624.
(TRAPPE, MD) – According to the Maryland State Police, a cooperative Maryland State Police investigation involving local and federal law enforcement agencies has led to the …