Cyber Criminal Forum Taken Down Members Arrested in 20 Countries

In addition to shutting down a major resource for cyber criminals, law enforcement infiltrated a closed criminal forum—no easy task—to obtain the intelligence and evidence needed to identity and prosecute these criminals. And this action paid off with a treasure trove of information that ultimately led to the dismantlement of the forum and law enforcement actions against dozens of its worst criminal members around the world.

Murder USA: Three Members of Matusiewicz Family Convicted of Federal Stalking Crimes Resulting in the Murder of Christine Belford in Courthouse Shoot-out

The Matusiewicz family began their stalking campaign by broadly disseminating—by mail, e-mail, websites, Internet postings, and other means—false allegations that Christine Belford had, among other things, abused her children, suffered from mental illness and attempted to harm Lenore Matusiewicz. They used a website, posted YouTube videos, and sent letters to Christine Belford’s church, her children’s schools, the family’s neighbors, friends and relatives repeating their false and defamatory allegations. Christine Belford and her children were placed in fear and suffered substantial emotional distress as a result of the Matusiewicz family’s widespread, public dissemination of this false and defamatory information.

Capitol Hill Police Beat: do Capitol cops who leave their guns in restrooms for children to find remember to wipe their butts?

A 7- or 8-year-old child visiting the Capitol with his parents found the next loaded Glock lost by a dignitary protection officer, according to the source. A member of the security detail for John A. Boehner, R-Ohio, allegedly left the firearm in the bathroom of the Speaker’s Suite on March 24.

Massive fraud admitted by Citicorp, JP Morgan Chase, Barclays, Royal Bank of Scotland and UBS fines into billions

these traders also used their exclusive electronic chats to manipulate the euro-dollar exchange rate in other ways. Members of “The Cartel” manipulated the euro-dollar exchange rate by agreeing to withhold bids or offers for euros or dollars to avoid moving the exchange rate in a direction adverse to open positions held by co-conspirators. By agreeing not to buy or sell at certain times, the traders protected each other’s trading positions by withholding supply of or demand for currency and suppressing competition in the FX market

FBI offering $3 million to rat on cyber-rat Russian who fleeced victims for $100 million- this cat ought to be worth at least $10 million!

Bogachev, thought to be at large in Russia, has been under indictment in the United States in connection with his alleged role as administrator of the GameOver Zeus botnet, believed to be responsible for the theft of more than $100 million from businesses and consumers in the U.S. and around the world. GameOver Zeus was an extremely sophisticated type of malware designed specifically to steal banking and other credentials from the computers it infected by either secretly logging keystrokes for passwords or creating false webpages where victims would unwittingly enter banking information and passwords.

Maryland Police Beat: Cops – James John Stanley has been dealing in child porn

Cops nab man, they say, has been dealing in child porn

RISING SUN, MD. – Maryland State Police investigators seized evidence from the home of James John Stanley, 28, of 10 W. Main Street in Rising Sun, Md. That evidence, they report will substantiate charges of child pornography, they have placed against him. Stanley is now incarcerated pending bail being posted.