Election 2018: Campaign Cash Continues Culture of Corruption in PG — on Angie Alsobrook’s List of those who may pay to play as she decides run for PG Exec or to replace Hoyer

Campaign Cash Continues Culture of Corruption in PG — on Angie Alsobrook’s List of those who may pay to play   Analysis and Commentary By …

MARYLAND POLITICAL CORRUPTION / PG County Politician Will Campos-Escobar Enters Guilty Plea to Federal Bribery Charges

Campos faces a maximum sentence of five years in prison for the conspiracy, a maximum of 10 years in prison for bribery. U.S. District Judge Paula Xinis has scheduled sentencing for April 10, 2017.

DWI & DRUG HIT PARADE: Dennis Evans still going strong with drugs and DWI in the 21st Century

St. Mary’s Deputy Matt Rogers stopped Evans on Medley’s Neck Road near Mulberry Fields Lane on Feb. 3, 2016, and issued him eight charges, all of which were dumped by Fritz.

WHO IS RUNNING THE RAILROAD? Officials of Amtrak allow fatality of Trespasser that wandered in front of a train to shut down service for Northeast Corridor for hours on busiest day of year

Why Amtrak and police officials can’t just take photos of the scene, allow morgue officials to remove the deceased and allow the trains to continue is a question that officials should answer to their customers.