NIH Grand Theft: Christopher Dame admits fleecing government for his own online supply biz; Terard Ansor sentenced to slammer for heroin distribution

Dame admitted that from January 3, 2013, through January 12, 2017, he regularly stole medical research equipment, photography equipment, and printing supplies belonging to NIH, and sold such items through an e-commerce corporation, enriching himself. He also deceived his colleagues into purchasing surplus ink for NIH, with the intent to ultimately steal the ink and sell it online

Evaldas Rimasauska Arrested For Theft Of Over $100 Million In Fraudulent Email Compromise Scheme Against Multinational Internet Companies

“From half a world away, Evaldas Rimasauskas allegedly targeted multinational internet companies and tricked their agents and employees into wiring over $100 million to overseas bank accounts under his control. This case should serve as a wake-up call to all companies – even the most sophisticated – that they too can be victims of phishing attacks by cyber criminals.

MARYLAND POLITICAL CORRUPTION / PG County Politician Will Campos-Escobar Enters Guilty Plea to Federal Bribery Charges

Campos faces a maximum sentence of five years in prison for the conspiracy, a maximum of 10 years in prison for bribery. U.S. District Judge Paula Xinis has scheduled sentencing for April 10, 2017.

Mayor Bozo to Radio Station: Don’t send reporters to my events who ask tough questions – bans Ken Burns

Press Association condemns Mayor’s banning of reporter: Further, her allegations of consistently threatening and intimidating behavior are without merit, as Burns had not received any warnings or other indication that his behavior during his long-time coverage of city government was not appropriate.

Opinion: Hillary Clinton: ‘My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders’

And an end to U.S. sovereignty. When you get down to it, Clinton is not running for President of the United States. She is selling us down the river to service a globalist agenda. The only question is whether the rust belt states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Michigan are paying attention.