DWI HIT PARADE: Maryland State Police Impairment Profiled Langley Park for Arrests
DUI Efforts Include SPIDRE Team’s 2,000th Arrest
LANGLEY PARK, MD. – Good news for residents of the PG County neighborhood of Langley Park. Due to a historic number of booze cruisers in this area who smash into each other, trees, utility poles and buildings, the Maryland State Police profiled the idiotic and impaired drivers in that part of PG for DUI enforcement. The cops weren’t disappointed, and the lawyers who charge up to $10,000 to take the court cases of their idiotic clients won’t be disappointed either.
Impaired Profiling is all a byproduct of the choices made by the boozedroids who believe they have a right to drink, drive and kill. Whether natural born citizens of the good old USA or a bunch of fence-jumping illegal aliens, these clowns who leave bars and take their party on the road will hopefully smash into a tree and kill themselves, the sooner, the better. Sooner or later, they will unfortunately just kill others.
Impaired Profiling is all a byproduct of the choices made by the boozedroids who believe they have a right to drink, drive and kill. Whether natural born citizens of the good old USA or a bunch of fence-jumping illegal aliens, these clowns who leave bars and take their party on the road will hopefully smash into a tree and kill themselves, the sooner, the better. Sooner or later, they will unfortunately just kill others.
That is why it is so important for law enforcement efforts to Impairment-profile areas with high numbers of DUI crashes and lock up these bozos.
The Maryland State Police report that over the weekend of Sept. 23rd to 25th, 2016, multiple DUI enforcement initiatives across the state led to the arrests of more than 70 impaired drivers.
The than one dozen arrested by troopers with the full-time impaired driving enforcement team who marked their 2,000th arrest.
The State Police Impaired Driving Reduction Effort, or SPIDRE Team, a specialized unit of troopers who work high DUI areas, made 16 arrests for impaired during three nights of weekend patrol. Two SPIDRE Team troopers each made three DUI arrests Saturday night alone. Of those arrested who took the breath test, the average blood alcohol content registered was .14. Twenty-five percent of those arrested were repeat offenders. The team worked in the Langley Park area in Prince George’s County, where data show a high concentration of DUI/impaired driving crashes.
Of those arrested who took the breath test, the average blood alcohol content registered was .14. Twenty-five percent of those arrested were repeat offenders.
The SPIDRE Team was launched in May 2013. During their latest patrol, the team made their 2,000th impaired driving arrest since inception, ending the weekend with 2,004 total arrests. The SPIDRE Team is funded through a grant from the Maryland Department of Transportation Highway Safety Office.
Elsewhere in the state, troopers arrested 61 impaired drivers while conducting patrols and a variety of DUI enforcement initiatives, often working in coordination with local law enforcement. Five impaired drivers were arrested at a sobriety checkpoint near Joppa conducted by troopers and deputies from the Harford County Sheriff’s Office.
Troopers at the La Plata Barrack conducted a checkpoint with officers from the La Plata Police Department, as well as a saturation patrol. Other checkpoints or saturations patrols were conducted by troopers in Allegany, Worcester, Wicomico, and Prince George’s counties. Outstanding assistance was provided to troopers from State Highway Administration personnel, who assist with lighting, signs and traffic control at sobriety checkpoints.