DWI HIT PARADE: Maryland State Police Report Labor Day Weekend Enforcement Efforts Included Arrests of 90 DUI Drivers
(PIKESVILLE, MD) – Traffic enforcement efforts by Maryland state troopers during the Labor Day holiday period resulted in more than 6,900 traffic stops that led to 187 arrests, more than 90 of which included impaired drivers.
Maryland State Police patrol troopers began increased holiday traffic enforcement efforts on September 1, 2017, that continued through September 4, 2017. During that period, troopers arrested 93 impaired drivers, arrested 58 for criminal offenses and arrested another 36 people who were found to be wanted on warrants.
The arrests occurred during 6,982 traffic stops made by troopers working traffic safety initiatives that included additional patrols, sobriety checkpoints, saturation patrols, and speed enforcement. Troopers issued 4667 citations, 4728 warnings and 647 safety equipment repair orders. Troopers at each of the 23 Maryland State Police barracks were involved in special enforcement operations during the holiday period.