Heroin Highway to Hell: OPIOID EPIDEMIC & FATAL OVERDOSES START WITH PILL MILL DOCS / Dr. William “Skip” Vaughn’s Medical License Yanked Forever; Ran Pill Mill in High Rent Potomac

 From 2010, until he was busted in 2017, the Maryland Board didn’t reveal how many prescriptions he wrote to waitresses and bartenders in Hooters or provided prescriptions to others when he failed to maintain medical records or give proper examinations.  

MURDER USA: District Murder & Mayhem Report

On Friday, January 1, 2016, members of the First District arrested 24-year-old Nathaniel Beasley, who in 2010 lived at 4816 Alabama Ave. S.E. Washington, D.C., pursuant to a DC Superior Court arrest warrant charging him with Second Degree Murder while Armed. On April 29, 2010, Beasley was charged with assault in P G County and on June 1, 2010 the charges were dropped by the Prince Georges County States Attorney.