Undercover detectives agreed to meet the Silverthorne for a group sexual encounter in exchange for methamphetamine. Police say that he arranged to bring methamphetamine along with other men to the engagement.
All Crime, All The Time – News and Commentary on the Criminal Class
Undercover detectives agreed to meet the Silverthorne for a group sexual encounter in exchange for methamphetamine. Police say that he arranged to bring methamphetamine along with other men to the engagement.
The following is an interview with Carla Henning Bailey which was first published June 29, 1999 in ST. MARY’S TODAY.
Bailey told ST. MARY’S TODAY that she wanted to go “one-on-one” with Richard Fritz to answer his public statements that what occurred in November of 1964 at a house on St. George’s Island with her, Fritz and two other young men was a case of consensual sex, while she contends she was forcibly raped.
Bailey first disclosed her story in April, charging that she had been raped, saying that she wanted to be identified as the victim, pointing out that she had done nothing wrong or had done anything to be ashamed of. Bailey says that she wants to be able to tell what really happened as she is furious that Fritz is painting her to be tramp.
In the suit, Clinton, Md., resident Ricardo Smith says that the Post also reneged on this assurance to approximately 60 other independent contractors just like him. A federal judge had given Smith the green light to pursue a class action lawsuit on their behalf. But the settlement pre-empts that claim.
Terms of the settlement, filed April 24 with United States District Court for the District of Columbia Circuit, are confidential. In a brief telephone conversation Smith confirmed there was a settlement but declined to elaborate. “I can’t talk about that, man.”
After the employee cafeteria at the Washington Post’s office downtown was closed by health inspectors yesterday, Washington City Paper and Jim Romenesko reported on a memo that Jeff Cox, the paper’s director of operations and administrative services, sent the staff. That didn’t sit so well with Post editorial writer Charles Lane, who just sent an email to newsroom staffers about the publication of Cox’s memo: