PIRATE POACHERS OF THE CHESAPEAKE Cops nab outlaw watermen Wheatley father and son duo poachers raiding oyster sanctuary – not the first rodeo for Pop

While the vast majority of Chesapeake Bay watermen are law-abiding and work hard to understand and be in compliance with the myriad set of rules set down by Bay regulators, there are others who just don’t give a damn. According to the NRP, these watermen allegedly are among the latter, especially the father who has a long line of poaching convictions with which he can add notches to his boat and boast about in the tavern.

Pirate Poachers of the Bay: Now a prosecutor takes a stand! See actual video of Pirate Poacher Booty!

Pirate Poachers of the Bay

Over the past year, THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY has been highlighting the arrests of outlaw watermen in the Maryland and Virginia waters of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries.

Readers who have been following these violations and the tracking of the court appearances have been learning that, for most cases, the legal repercussions of these infractions have been very minor or non-existent.

Pirate Poachers of the Chesapeake: Adam Antes busted again for raid on oyster sanctuary; Kevin Tarleton has decades of deception as he loots the Bay


Poaching Pirate of the Chesapeake Adam Antes Continues to Flout the Law

NRP Charges Four Watermen with Oyster Violations; Adam Antes Busted Twice in a Month for Raiding Oyster Sanctuary

NANTICOKE, MD. — Natural Resources Police report that four Eastern Shore watermen charged during January with state wildlife violations by Maryland Natural Resources Police officers. One of them was cited again for raiding a sanctuary on the heels of another raid just a week earlier.