BUILD A WALL AROUND THAT BRIDGE Washington Suburbs Rockfish Poachers HOLA HOMBRES! they violated just about every dang poaching rule that exists

The next night, officers watched as five men from Prince George’s County caught fish and placed them in the trunk of an SUV. When officers stopped the vehicle and searched it, they found 73 striped bass in a duffel bag.

Sunday Fishtackular: Cap’n Larry Jarboe’s sure-fire fishing tips

For those of us who must stay through the winter, there is an excellent opportunity to catch fish that are both good to eat and will bite in the coldest of weather. Blue Catfish are prowling the fresher portion of the Potomac River above the Rt. 301 bridge and most of the other rivers that feed into the Chesapeake. Fresh cut bait is the ticket to guarantee a cooler full of these fish that have no limit or season placed upon them. White or Mud Shad and Alewives are my favorite baits for big Blue Cats. However, getting these baits fresh this time of year has proven challenging. Forget about using these baits if they have been frozen. If you’re going to brave the chill, you want to fill the cooler. That means you must have a bait the brutes are willing to bite on.

Maryland officials just don’t get it: taking away the license of waterman who poached is silly — he doesn’t need a license!

Joseph Bruce Janda Jr., 28, of Wittman, had his commercial license permanently revoked a year ago by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. Over a decade, Janda has been charged more than 60 times and been found guilty on numerous occasions for poaching oysters, illegal striped bass fishing and harvesting undersized crabs. In addition, he has been convicted of fishing without a license and fishing on a suspended license.

In 2011, Janda was cited for two crabbing violations within a two-year period worth 35 points on his licenses, which triggered a revocation hearing by an administrative law judge.

In writing last Friday, Judge J. Owen Wise rejected Janda’s appeal, calling him a “chronic offender” who had accumulated 415 days of suspensions.