Nick Sisler charged with injecting his girlfriend with heroin; now Amanda Morrison charged as well

CALIFORNIA, MD. — Caught in the act of injecting his girlfriend with heroin, Nick Sisler faces tough sledding ahead on serious drug charges in court. The convicted burglar and longtime scofflaw permit-less driver and supporter of Judge Densford in the 2012 election now faces years in the slammer if convicted.

Piney Point’s Golden Eye in the bull’s eye of Crab Cops for selling undersize crabs to Hagerstown’s Chics Seafood

PINEY POINT, MD. — After playing a starring role in a federal sting of rockfish poaching in recent years, a St. Mary’s County seafood dealer is once again in the sights of lawmen.

According to the Maryland Natural Resources Police, which is hell-bent to enforce laws against harvesting undersized crabs, reports finding several bushels sold to a crabhouse in western Maryland that were delivered to it by the Golden Eye seafood owned by Robert Lumpkins of Piney Point.

The Maryland Natural Resources Police made good on its promise last weekend to crack down on illegal crabbing activities as part of the “Don’t Get Pinched” campaign.

From seafood shops to recreational crabbers and watermen, officers checked catches, licenses and records as they aggressively targeted violators across the State.