Southern Md. Police Beat: Samantha & Wayne Somerville maced victim in a robbery in Millison Plaza, say police; tracked by witness to restroom lair LEXINGTON …
All Crime, All The Time – News and Commentary on the Criminal Class
Southern Md. Police Beat: Samantha & Wayne Somerville maced victim in a robbery in Millison Plaza, say police; tracked by witness to restroom lair LEXINGTON …
St. Mary’s Deputy Matt Rogers stopped Evans on Medley’s Neck Road near Mulberry Fields Lane on Feb. 3, 2016, and issued him eight charges, all of which were dumped by Fritz.
LEXINGTON PARK, MD. — There are two types of people in St. Mary’s County, Md. Those who live their lives on the straight and narrow and never do anything which might cause them to be installed in the Hotel St. Mary’s. Then there are another determined underclass of folks who desire nothing more than to live free with three hots and a cot in the slammer. With a thousand stories in the Naked City, this is another one.
LEONARDTOWN, MD.– It’s been a hot time in the old Hotel St. Mary’s with another round of fights between inmates. On July 2, 2014, Deputy Manns responded to the St. Mary’s County Detention Center for a fight between inmates. The investigation revealed inmates Patrick James Hutching, 31, of Leonardtown, and Tyler Allen Messick, 22, of Leonardtown, engaged in several mutual fights during an extended period of time. Hutching and Messick were both charged with 2nd Degree Assault on fellow inmates.