Navy Lt. Cmdr. Edward Lin charged with spying for China; last major Navy betrayal was the ‘Walker Family Spy-Ring’

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  • The justice department and courts need to start executions back up for traitors and those who commit capital crimes. Why should Americans like me have to pay taxes that keep them alive for 50 years and more.
Lt. Cmdr. Edward C. Lin charged with espionage giving Navy secrets to China. photo from Linked In
Lt. Cmdr. Edward C. Lin charged with espionage giving Navy secrets to China. photo from Linked In

Navy Lt. Cmdr. Edward Lin charged with spying for China

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The White House confirmed on Monday, April 11, that a Naval Officer is currently being held in the Navy Consolidated Brig in Chesapeake, Virginia, on charges of espionage and other charges.

Specifically, redacted court charging documents reveal that Lin is charged with “In that ____________________U. S. Navy, Commander Patrol Reconnaissance Group, on active duty, did at or near __________________________________ on several occasions, from about _____________ to _________________ with intent or reason to believe it would be used to the advantage of a foreign nation, communicate SECRET information relating to the national defense to a representative of a foreign government.

Lin is charged with multiple counts of spying for China as well as patronizing prostitutes and committing adultery, charges which are crimes for Armed Forces members but a regular part of life for most American politicians and many Members of Congress as well as former President Bill Clinton.

The Navy issued a press release in 2008 about a naturalization ceremony at which Lin was the speaker. “Lin was 14 years old when he and his family left Taiwan. They had to travel half way around the world, stopping in different countries along the way.”

Naval Officer Edward Lin
Naval Officer Edward Lin

Compromising the fidelity of a military officer, foreign service officer or intelligence officer of a nation with temptresses and blackmailing them into passing secrets is a standard part of spying.  Lin has been held as a prisoner for eight months.

THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY arriving on newsstands now in Delaware, Maryland and Virginia.
THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY arriving on newsstands now in Delaware, Maryland and Virginia.

Among Lin’s contacts and endorsees on Linked In are top employees of such defense contractors as Northup Grumman Corporation. Once such contact is typical with a background of being a Naval Academy graduate, spending ten years in Naval Aviation with experience at the Northrup Grumman Electromagnetic Systems.

The 285 connections that Lin has on Linked In are undoubtedly coming under scrutiny by Naval Intelligence for possible leaks or subjects of loss of classified material that Lin may have obtained to sell to China.  It is highly likely that as news of the arrest of Lin spreads, his contact list on Linked In will drop like a rock. The Linked In profile page for Lin was shut down on April 11, 2016, as news outlets spread the story around the world.

Comments on many news websites called for the execution of Lin upon his conviction.

Resume for Spy Edward Lin on Linked In

Naval Flight Officer

United States Navy



March 2014 – Present (2 years 2 months) Norfolk, Virginia Area

Congressional Liaison

Assistant Secretary of Navy for Finance Management and Comptroller

February 2012 – March 2014 (2 years 2 months) Pentagon


Naval War College

February 2011 – February 2012 (1 year 1 month) Newport


USS Dwight D Eisenhower

February 2009 – February 2011 (2 years 1 month) Norfolk, VA

Executive Assistant

US Pacific Fleet Headquarter

April 2007 – February 2009 (1 year 11 months) Pearl Harbor, HI

The Walker Family Spy Ring – passed secrets to Soviets for 18 years

John Anthony Walker US. Navy Chief ran spyring for Soviets
John Anthony Walker US. Navy Chief ran spy ring for Soviets

The last major espionage case by Navy personnel was Chief Warrant Officer John A. Walker who passed secrets to the Soviets for 18 years before he was caught. He died in federal prison on Aug. 28, 2014, of diabetes and throat cancer. Walker operated a family business of spying for the Soviet Union, involving his son and his older brother, Arthur J. Walker who also died in prison in 2014. A non-family member of the spy ring, Jerry A. Whitworth, who also was in the Navy and worked as a radioman, was sent to federal prison for 365 years.  Jerry Alfred Whitworth is now 76 years of age and resides in the United States Prison at Atwater.  His scheduled release date is Oct. 2, 2048, according to the Bureau of Prisons.

The Soviets bragged that the Family of Spies passed so much key information to them that had there been a war, the Soviets would have won.  In particular, key material that benefited the Soviets included how the Navy sent coded messages to submarines.

After his wife became aware of Walker’s sideline of spying, and when he tried to recruit his daughter, she turned him into the FBI.

Jerry Alfred Whitworth at age 76 is in Federal Prison with a release date of 2048.
Jerry Alfred Whitworth at age 76 is in Federal Prison with a release date of 2048.

Walker’s son got an easy deal from the Feds upon receiving the cooperation of Walker. The son left prison in 2000 on parole at the age of 37.

The members of the Walker Spy Ring compromised the secrecy of communications of many of America’s fighting ships including the carriers Nimitz, Enterprise, Constellation and other ships.

Whitworth became angry at the Soviets for failing to pay him after many photographs he had provided them were out of focus. He then began to correspond with the FBI, promising to give them a big spy ring, but later demurred when he considered he would be caught.  After Walker’s wife tipped the feds, Walker was sent to a motel in Rockville, Md., to take a garbage bag of secret materials and instead of meeting his Soviet spymaster, was greeted by FBI agents at gunpoint.

Among hundreds of comments left on an article about the Navy’s Biggest Betrayal in the magazine was this comment from Wilbert Morrel:

“38 years of serving my country and US Navy and glad they did not execute walkers and gave them real life in prison where they died. NIS and FBI learned so much from them, but they all had their employees get caught spying for decades after. Also, CIA and NSA contractors leaking information as well to Russia, Israel, and the world. The justice department and courts need to start executions back up for traitors and those who commit capital crimes. Why should Americans like me have to pay taxes that keep them alive for 50 years and more. Michael Walker should not be out free now, I know a lot of sailors who would like 5 minutes with him. They put us and many others in harm’s way.”


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