Statement from Fire Chief Michael Cox
Fire Chief Michael E. Cox, Jr. has released the following statement this morning:
“I was notified this morning by the County Executive Elect Steve Schuh that I would not be retained into the next administration. I took the reins 18 months ago during a turbulent time for our Department with poor labor relations, lack of fiscal prudence, poor response times, areas with unacceptable ISO ratings, and a lack of diversity in the hiring process. During my tenure we have accomplished many things to include”:
- Reallocated and increased staffing at the Herald Harbor, Maryland City, and Galesville Fire Stations which resulted in the improvement of the ISO ratings and a reduction in insurance rates for residents in these three areas.
- Implemented the Rapid Dispatch Protocol reducing 911 call processing times by 50%. Eliminated the Deputy Chief aides
- Cancelled the purchase of an air boat.
- Re-commissioned the Fire Advisory Board.
- Cancelled plans to wrap three pieces of equipment in pink vinyl to recognize breast cancer awareness; instead, we utilized a ribbon and tee shirt campaign to recognize this event.
- Reduced response times for the delivery of Advanced Life Support by more than two minutes or 27%.
- Reorganized the EMS Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement program to ensure better oversight/control of EMS functions.
- Installed iPads in all front line Fire/Rescue apparatus
- Instituted daily video conferencing meetings with all Stations/Divisions within the Department Eliminated the automatic termination of employees who could not pass paramedic program.
- Secured a $3 million AFG grant to purchase new SCBA for the Department
- Conducted a comprehensive study to determine location and placement of new BLS Units.
- Launched a Diversity Recruitment Plan and established a Departmental Recruitment Workgroup.
- Created a full time Recruiter/Equity Officer (EEOC)
- Reinstated a 4th geographical response battalion to improve response times for the arrival of command officers at an emergency incident scene.
- Created an around the clock Safety/QA officer position for emergency response and accident/injury investigations.
- Placed (4) new additional Basic Life Support Ambulances in-service by cross staffing these units with existing personnel from fire suppression units (18, 23, 33, and 40).
- In FY-14 reallocated money marked for the purchase of a ladder truck to purchase 6 additional ambulances. With this initiative, two new economical type ambulances were purchased for use as Basic Life Support Units; which, resulted in savings of more than $150,000 per unit.
- FY-15 placed an additional (6) new Basic Life Support Ambulances in service (2, 4, 12, 28, 31, and 42).
- Reinstated a Civilian Director of Emergency Management position to provide stability to the Emergency Operations Center.
- Passed legislation updating the County Fire Codes.
- Restructured the volunteer ambulance grant agreements to supplement reimbursement of the volunteer companies who purchase ambulances and provide volunteer crews during peak demand.
- As the result of decreasing revenue prompting an audit, we cancelled our current contract with Xerox (Ambulance Billing Co.) and procured a new vendor with a reduced commission.
- Passed Legislation to align ambulance transport fee structure with medicare guidelines.
- Created new map layers to include the development of water box areas for Bay and its tributaries.
- Procured new property for the Galesville Fire Station.
- Changed new Fire Station Buildings to a pre-engineered Metal Building to speed up construction times and reduce construction costs.
- Reinstated and expanded the Annual Public Safety Expo to include numerous public County/State agencies.
- FY-14 replaced five pumpers and six paramedic units.
- FY-15 replaced a Ladder tower, two pumpers, and purchased 2 additional BLS ambulances Deployed a PM Engine in the Shadyside area of the County.
- Deployed/placed a volunteer rescue boat in-service at the Deale VFD.
- Deployed/placed a tanker in service at the Deale VFD.
- Restructured the Fire Academy Recruit class to realize savings of pre-trained personnel that were hired.
- Participated in the Holiday Sharing Program.
- Developed/implemented a policy whereby, ambulances will be utilized in lieu of large fire apparatus to respond to emergency medical calls.
- Two Recruit School Graduations totaling 140 personnel on January 17th and a second on September 10th, 2014.
- Held a groundbreaking ceremony for the new Lake Shore Fire Station September 16th.
- Annual 9/11 Memorial ceremony in September 11th.
- Instituted a Volunteer Safety Officer Program
- Partnered with the AAPD to develop/institute a narcan administration program for Law Enforcement personnel.
- Regionalization of Hazardous materials responses with Mutual aid partners
- Developed a response plan, protocols, and procedures for suspected Ebola responses
- Developed a preceptor task book for EMT-B/EMT-P Providers
- Extended the probationary work period for new paramedics
- Instituted an ALS Skills maintenance program for all ALS Providers
- Instituted a cross staffing policy for all instructors assigned to the training academy to increase efficiency and reduce costs. “I would like to thank County Executive Laura Neuman, members of the County Council, the career and volunteer members of the Anne Arundel County Fire Department, and the citizens of Anne Arundel County for the honor and privilege to serve as the County’s tenth Fire Chief. As a lifelong resident of the County I will continue to support the Department. ”
- “These accomplishments were made possible by bringing people together, putting our differences aside, and working in a collaborative effort to achieve the greater good for the citizens we serve.”