When officers called out to him, he attempted to flee the area. He quickly stopped, fell to the ground and began “huffing” the dust spray.
All Crime, All The Time – News and Commentary on the Criminal Class
When officers called out to him, he attempted to flee the area. He quickly stopped, fell to the ground and began “huffing” the dust spray.
Gagnon, a serial drunk driver, was sentenced to 60 days in jail with 30 days suspended. The plea deal also calls for probation of eighteen months. A fine of $57.50 was also imposed.
Unless a trained and educated eye of a law enforcement officer was used to glean the unique linguistics of the posters, the digital tracks left behind by these felonious Facebook Friends could never be used against them in court.
Tyreke Anthony Stewart, of 40140 Beach Drive, Mechanicsville, Md., (W /M/22) Arrest on charge of DUI and assorted and related traffic charges at Trimper Ave/Coastal Hwy, Ocean City, MD, on 6/10/2017 12:00:00 AM. Arresting Officer: Centofranchi, J A. Stewart will be appearing once more in Ocean City when his trial takes place in District Court on Aug. 9, 2017.
In case you might be wondering what the driver next to you on local roadways might be snorting, shooting, drinking or injecting, there is always the possibility that the substance is heroin – as in the case of this driver when he crashed into trees.