MURDER USA Davonta Braxton Guilty in Murder of Edmond St. Clair at UMES; Plea Deal Only Netted 8 Years in Prison

St. Clair reportedly told his brother and Hardy to chill out in the car while he alighted from the Honda in which they were traveling to reason with the road blockers. St. Clair’s effort at negotiation resulted in being stabbed through the heart.

Pirate Poachers of the Bay: Now a prosecutor takes a stand! See actual video of Pirate Poacher Booty!

Pirate Poachers of the Bay

Over the past year, THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY has been highlighting the arrests of outlaw watermen in the Maryland and Virginia waters of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries.

Readers who have been following these violations and the tracking of the court appearances have been learning that, for most cases, the legal repercussions of these infractions have been very minor or non-existent.