NO LOOTING ZONE – Home owners were well-armed to deal with the few looters who arrived to take advantage of the plight of others.
All Crime, All The Time – News and Commentary on the Criminal Class
NO LOOTING ZONE – Home owners were well-armed to deal with the few looters who arrived to take advantage of the plight of others.
Since the targeted enforcement program was launched last May, SPIDRE teams have made 6,384 traffic stops resulting in 1,052 Driving Under the Influence (DUI) arrests and 211 criminal arrests. Funded by the Maryland Department of Transportation’s Highway Safety Office, SPIDRE focuses on reducing alcohol related crashes in Maryland by targeting areas across the state with high crash rates involving impaired drivers.
Your lawnmower, riding tractor, roto-tiller or boat motor might be just fine the way you have them arranged in your boathouses, sheds or carports but to druggies, they are a ticket to tonight’s paradise for a cheap dose of crack or heroin. Some thieves take your items to pawn shops or scrap metal dealers.
Here are a few more recent reports from police of those who have become victims of burglars and thieves and in many cases the items were left in unlocked structures.
Built to work the waters of the Chesapeake Bay and tributaries, the Poppa Francis now boards more tourists than bushels of oysters. Learn more about …
If (and I hope you will) you are going to try fried hard crabs put a little old bay seasoning in the corn meal griddle cake mix (to taste) But not the ones you cook for breakfast.
After months of expectation and inaction on the part of the O’Malley Administration the Gregorian Fault shifted once again and this time left a 6 foot crack between the end of the St. George Island Bridge and the island making travel by vehicle onto the island for tourists and residents impossible.
PINEY POINT (Special) — In spite of warnings from the Coast and Geodetic Survey, the O’Malley Administration has failed to act to secure and safeguard …