Baltimore County Police Beat: Did your long-lost Nigerian Grandmother leave a fortune for you in her will?

During the Iginla investigation, law enforcement became aware of a related investigation, originally initiated by the Baltimore County Police Department, regarding a fraud allegedly perpetrated by Oladokun, Towobola and others, which involved the re-encoding of victims’ debit card account numbers and the purchasing of money orders using PII stolen as a result of the Target Store data breach which occurred during November and December 2013.

Murder USA: Baltimore County cops nab Deidra Griffin in Michigan for murder of Lonnie Paye Jr.

RANDALLSTOWN, MD. — A woman that police believe shot and killed Lonnie B. Paye Jr., of Randallstown has been nabbed in Michigan. News reports in Michigan state Maryland court records do not yet show an arrest warrant for Deidra Griffin as the warrants could be sealed until officers notify the court that she has been apprehended.

Baltimore County Police Beat: Burglar worked to get into business and beat feet when alarm sounded for flatfoots

The investigation into that incident has indicated that at approximately 11:50 p.m., the suspect damaged a surveillance camera outside of Carisam-Samuel Meisel in the 2700 block of North Rolling Road 21244. He then used an object to tamper with the front door but was scared off when the alarm sounded