St. Mary’s County Fair – Sept. 21 thru 24, 2017

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St. Mary’s Fair kicks off on Sept. 21st thru 24th at 4 pm Fair Grounds, Rt. 5 Leonardtown Maryland

St. Mary’s County Fair – Sept. 21 thru 24, 2017

Thursday, September 21, 2017 – “OPENING DAY”

A Thanksgiving dinner yet to come…

3:00 PM  Gates open to public

4:00 PM  Exhibit Buildings open to public

4:00 PM    4-H photo contest begins

4:30 PM  4-H Livestock Judging Contest (SR)

5:00 PM  Carnival opens (ride all evening wristband for $25 avail.)

5:00 PM  4-H Horse Drill Team Performances (GS)

6:00 PM  4-H Market Goat Show (SR)

6:00 PM  Barnyard Runners Pig Races

6:30 PM  Chain Saw Artist Rick Pratt

7:00 PM  Official Opening (Tolerance Hall)

Color Guard by Cub Scout Pack #1203

“The Star-Spangled Banner,” Esperanza Middle School Chorus

Introduction of the Queen of Tolerance Court

Welcome, John Richards, President, St. Mary’s County Fair Association

Crowning of the Queen of Tolerance

7:00 PM  Miniature Horse Pull (GS)

7:30 PM  Chain Saw Artist Rick Pratt

9:00 PM  Exhibit buildings close

10:00 PM Carnival closes

Lion’s Mobile Screening Trailer (Vision & Hearing) (3pm – 7pm)

Suttler Post Farm Clydesdales on display

Southern Maryland Wood Carvers (ARTS)


St. Mary’s County Fair 4-H cookie judges Sept. 2006


Friday, September 22, 2017 – “SCHOOL DAY”


8:00 AM  4-H Livestock Show (SR)

9:00 AM  4-H Horse and Pony Show (GS)

9:00 AM  Exhibit Buildings open to public

9:00 AM  SoMD Robotics Demonstration (PAV)

9:00 AM  Canine Weight Pull (Tractor Pull Track)

10:00 AM  Horticulture ID Contest (4-H)

10:00 AM  Carnival opens (special student pricing & tickets per ride: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM)

10:00 AM  Cake Decorating Contest (Tolerance Hall)Dr James Forrest Career Center

10:00 AM  Decorated Wagon Contest (ARTS)

1:00 PM  Spring Ridge Middle School Band (Tolerance Hall)

1:30 PM  Black Belt Academy (PAV)

2:00 PM  Speech Contest (Tolerance Hall)

“The Star-Spangled Banner” Great Mills High School: Amarillo Vert

2:00 PM  Canine Weight Pull (Tractor Pull Track)

2:00 PM  Super Magic Man Illusions (Tent)

3:00 PM  Registration for Kiddy Tractor Pull (PAV)

4:00 PM  Kiddy Tractor Pull (PAV) 7th District Optimists

4:00 PM  St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Department K-9 Demonstration (GS)

4:30 PM  Super Magic Man Illusions (Tent)

5:00 PM  School Day Activities End, normal entry, and carnival ticket prices resume

5:30 PM  Ice Sculpture, Bill Sonntag

6:00 PM  4-H Cake Auction (GS)

6:00 PM Bicycle Drawing (OF)

6:30 PM  Chesapeake Children’s Chorus (FSA)

6:30 PM  Suttler Post Farm Clydesdales Demonstration (GS)

7:00 PM  Light Weight Horse Pull (GS)

7:30 PM  Boot Scooters (PAV)

8:00 PM  Jody’s Band

9:00 PM  Exhibit buildings close

10:00 PM  Carnival closes

Texas Longhorn is displayed at the 4-H livestock show at the St. Mary’s County Fair in Leonardtown, Md. THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY photo

Barnyard Runners Pig Races: 11:30 AM, 1:30 PM, 5:00 PM

Chain Saw Artist Rick Pratt: 12:00 PM, 2:00 PM, 4:00 PM, 6:00 PM

Mitchell Marionettes Barnum and Baloney Circus1:00, 3:00, 5:00 7:00

Suttler Post Farm Clydesdales on display

Lion’s Mobile Screening Trailer (Vision & Hearing)(9 am – 7 pm)

Southern Maryland Decorative Painters (Arts & Crafts 10 am – 6 pm)

Southern Maryland Wood Carvers (ARTS)


St. Mary’s County Fair midway waits to open.


Saturday, September 23, 2017 – “PARADE DAY”


8:00 AM  Open Class livestock show (SR)

9:00 AM  Exhibit buildings open

9:00 AM  Fair Parade Registration begins (Tech Center)

9:00 AM  Canine Weight Pull (Tractor Pull Track)

10:00 AM  Carnival opens

10:30 AM  Fair Parade begins (Tech Center)

“the Star Spangled Banner” Leonardtown High School: Potomac Voices

12:30 AM  Leonardtown High School Orchestra

1:00 PM  4-H Rabbit Showmanship workshop (4-H)

1:00 PM  Jousting Tournament (GS)

1:00 PM  4-H Visual Presentation Contest (4-H)

1:00 PM  Super Magic Man Illusions (Tolerance Hall)

1:00 PM  Stuffed Ham Demonstration – David Dent (FSA)

2:00 PM   Fins & Claws – Capt Jack Russell (FSA)

2:00 PM  Canine Weight Pull (Tractor Pull Track)

3:00 PM  Southern Maryland Concert Band (PAV)

3:00 PM  Super Magic Man Illusions (Tolerance Hall)

4:00 PM  WMDM live remote broadcast

5:30 PM  Ice Sculpture, Doug Mackey

6:00 PM  Gracie’s Guys and Gals (FSA)

5:00 PM  Super Magic Man Illusions (Tolerance Hall)

6:00 PM  4-H Livestock Auction (SR)

6:00 PM  Bicycle Drawing (OF)

6:30 PM  Suttler Post Farm Clydesdales Demonstration (GS)

7:00 PM  Heavy Weight Horse Pull (GS)

8:00 PM  True Blue Country (TBD)
          9:00 PM  Exhibit buildings close

10:00 PM  Carnival closes

Success for a beauty queen begins with good grooming

Barnyard Runners Pig Races: 12:00 PM, 2:30 PM, 4:00 PM, 6:00 PM

Chain Saw Artist Rick Pratt: 12:00 PM, 2:00 PM, 4:00 PM, 6:00 PM

Mitchell Marionettes Barnum and Baloney Circus 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00

Suttler Post Farm Clydesdales on display

Lion’s Mobile Screening Trailer (Vision & Hearing)(9am- 7pm)

Southern Maryland Decorative Painters (Arts & Crafts 10am – 6 pm)

Southern Maryland Wood Carvers (ARTS)



Leonardtown Vol. Fire Dept. truck in the St. Mary’s County Fair Parade. THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY photo


Sunday, September 24, 2017 – “FAMILY DAY”


              8:30 AM  Open Class Horse Show (GS)

9:00 AM  4-H and Open Dairy Goat Show (SR)

9:00 AM  Exhibit buildings open

10:00 AM  Baby Show (FSA)

10:00 AM  Antique Tractor Pull (Tractor Track)

11:00 AM  Carnival opens (ride all day wristband $25 avail.)

11:00 AM  Chesapeake Spinners Wool Demonstration (Farm Museum)

1:00 PM   Gospel Choir (TENT)

1:00 PM  The Daughters of Veda (PAV)

1:00 PM  Introduction of the Queen of Tolerance & Court (Tolerance Hall)

“The Star-Spangled Banner,” Chopticon High School Peace Pipers

2:00 PM  Gospel Choir  (TENT)

2:00 PM  Southern Maryland Sound Barbershop Chorus (Tolerance Hall)

2:00 PM  4-H Rabbit Showmanship Contest (4-H)

3:00 PM   Gospel Choir (TENT)

2:00 PM  Chesapeake Country Cruzers (PAV)

4:00 PM  Gospel Choir (TENT)

4:30 PM  Chainsaw Sculpture Auction

5:00 PM Gospel Choir (TENT)

5:00 PM  4-H Contest Results announced (SR)

6:00 PM  Bicycle Drawing (OF)

6:00 PM Exhibit buildings close

6:00 PM Carnival ticket sales stop

7:00 PM Carnival closes

Fair Tractor pull junior works hard

Chain Saw Artist Rick Pratt: 11:00 AM, 1:00 PM, 3:00 PM, 4:00 PM

Mitchell Marionettes Barnum and Baloney Circus 12:30, 2:00, & 3:30

Barnyard Runners Pig Races: Noon, 1:30 PM, 3:30 PM

MD Child Identification Program 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM (FSA)

Wool Demonstrations (Chesapeake Spinners & Weavers) Sheep Barn

Suttler Post Farm Clydesdales on display

Lion’s Mobile Screening Trailer (Vision & Hearing)(11 am – 5 pm)

Southern Maryland Decorative Painters (Arts & Crafts 10 am – 6 pm)

Southern Maryland Wood Carvers (ARTS)


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