DWI HIT PARADE Maryland State Police Salisbury Barrack DUI Arrests 6/30/2017 to 7/07/2017
Raymond Stanley Holliday, 46, of 720 Dennis Street, Salisbury, Md., was charged with DUI by Trooper Lane while operating a bicycle on Delaware Ave. at Isabella Street in Salisbury on June 30, 2017, at 11:12 pm. Holliday was also charged with negligent and careless operation of the bike and driving it without lights or reflectors.
Charles Allen Vance, 41, of Salisbury, MD
Caleb Kyudae Cho, 23, of Salisbury, MD
John Wilson Sterrett, 22, of 5932 Dunbar Terrace, Salisbury, Md., charged by Maryland State Trooper Frock while Sterrett was westbound on Rt. 50 at Walston Switch Road on July 2, 2017, at 7:16 pm. Sterrett was also charged with reckless driving, driving the wrong way on a one-way street, failing to obey a traffic signal along with other traffic violations. An additional criminal charge of possession of a drug other than marijuana was also placed against Sterrett by Trooper Frock.
Sterrett was arrested by Worcester County Sheriff’s Deputy Jennifer Hall on June 4, 2013, and charged with DUI. On Aug. 12, 2013, in a plea deal with the Worcester County States Attorney, Sterrett entered a guilty plea in return for a verdict of Probation Before Judgement. THE DEAL: No time and a $400 fine.
Gary R. Gary, 50, of Pittsville, MD
Thaddeus Hackett Jr., 48, of Salisbury, MD