Hogan ordered dangerous road fixed at Point Lookout that was ignored by Democrats for decades

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  • The existing, narrow two-lane roadway is problematic for tourists unfamiliar with the road and regular visitors who drive recreational vehicles and tow boat trailers. In addition to people driving 8 ½-foot-wide recreational vehicles trying to navigate 10-foot lanes, drivers are challenged by the absence of shoulders and very soft ground and deep ditches on the roadside.

School bus crash at Point Lookout. In spite of this wreck showing the need for the road widening project, the funds were never put in the budget since this photo was taken in the early 1990's. See more of news of the era in THE STORY OF THE RAG http://amzn.to/1Gg8G95
School bus crash at Point Lookout. The bus was sideswiped by a dump truck as the road is too narrow. In spite of this wreck showing the need for the road widening project, the funds were never put in the budget since this photo was taken in the early 1990’s. See more of news of the era in THE STORY OF THE RAG http://amzn.to/1Gg8G95
School Bus Wreck, Rt. 5 Point Lookout. Ridge firefighers removed injured students from crash when truck and bus sideswiped each other. All the politicians on the St. Mary's Board, Governors Schaefer, Glendenning, Ehrich and O'Malley all ignored the problem and legislators Dyson and Bohanan never fought to have the funding for the project included in the budget.
School Bus Wreck, Rt. 5 Point Lookout. Ridge firefighers removed injured students from crash when truck and bus sideswiped each other. All the politicians on the St. Mary’s Board, Governors Schaefer, Glendenning, Ehrich and O’Malley all ignored the problem and legislators Dyson and Bohanan never fought to have the funding for the project included in the budget.

Rookie legislators obtain Governor Hogan’s Commitment to Fix Long-ignored Dangerous Road

Governor Larry Hogan
Governor Larry Hogan

POINT LOOKOUT, MD – In spite of crashes that took place along a dangerous stretch of road at Point Lookout, Md., with a school bus involved with a dump truck in a wreck, a succession of Democrat legislators from St. Mary’s County, with great influence, never managed to achieve what a rookie delegate and senator have done. That achievement is to convince the Governor to fund a long-awaited road project to widen a dangerous stretch of road.

With Del. John Hanson Briscoe representing St. Mary’s County and holding the position of Speaker of the House, to former Congressman Roy Dyson serving five terms as senator, to Congressman Steny Hoyer in office for three decades to Del. John Bohanan, born just a skip and bump up the road, not a single one of these Democrats has ever convinced a Democrat Governor to fund this project.

Snake oil was easier to get from Democrat lawmakers in St. Mary's County than to get this road project funded in spite of the Democrats holding the Governorship, the legislative majority and local offices.
Snake oil was easier to get from Democrat lawmakers in St. Mary’s County than to get this road project funded in spite of the Democrats holding the Governorship, the legislative majority and local offices.

Now, with freshmen Republicans Del. Deb Rey and Sen. Steve Waugh finding little to cheer about for their efforts at filing bills for which there are few votes to pass them, the pair were able to pull off a road project that will benefit their district as well as make travel safer for thousands of visitors each year to the popular Point Lookout State Park.

Standing along Point Lookout Road at Buzzy’s Country Store, Governor Larry Hogan (R.) today announced the project schedule for the $13.5 million widening of MD 5 (Point Lookout Road) from south of Scotland Beach Road to the causeway area in Point Lookout State Park, one of the state’s most popular recreational venues. The construction project is part of the Hogan Administration’s $1.97 billion investment in highway and bridge improvements across the

Dyson and Bohanan couldn't road project fixed but the new GOP legislators have won a big victory after nearly all of their bills have failed to pass in Annapolis.
Dyson and Bohanan couldn’t get the road project fixed but the new GOP legislators have won a big victory after nearly all of their bills have failed to pass in Annapolis.

state. The Maryland Department of Transportation’s State Highway Administration will hold public workshops this summer to discuss the project design with detailed design work to take place in 2017. Construction will start in the fall 2018 with the road open to traffic fall 2021.

Cpl. William Raddatz displays his police badge while passing a check to GOP candidate Steve Waugh. Photo courtesy of Waugh campaign.
Cpl. William Raddatz displays his police badge while passing a check to GOP candidate Steve Waugh. Photo courtesy of Waugh campaign.

“For years, St. Mary’s County leaders and residents asked for help to fix the traffic and safety concerns that plague MD 5. Today, our administration is answering the call,” said Governor Hogan. “This badly needed project will help citizens and tourists of St. Mary’s County get about their daily lives in a faster, more efficient, and safer manner.”

The 2-mile project will provide safe access to the state park by widening MD 5 between Camp Brown Road and the Ranger Station’s entrance booth and resurfacing the roadway to the causeway. The existing, narrow two-lane roadway is problematic for tourists unfamiliar with the road and regular visitors who drive recreational vehicles and tow boat trailers.

Firefighters from Ridge, Second District, Bay District NAS Pax River and St. Inigoes as well as Ridge VRS and Lexington Park VRS rushed to assist the injured students. Photos from ST. MARY'S TODAY - see more of Cops, Crooks, Drug Dealers, Murder and more
Firefighters from Ridge, Second District, Bay District NAS Pax River and St. Inigoes as well as Ridge VRS and Lexington Park VRS rushed to assist the injured students. Photos from ST. MARY’S TODAY – see more of Cops, Crooks, Drug Dealers, Murder and more THE STORY OF THE RAG  http://amzn.to/1Gg8G95


In addition to people driving 8 ½-foot-wide recreational vehicles trying to navigate 10-foot lanes, drivers are challenged by the absence of shoulders and very soft ground and deep ditches on the roadside. This project will widen the lanes to 11 feet and add six- to eight-foot shoulders in each direction. At the MD 5/Scotland Beach Road intersection, crews also will construct an exclusive right-turn lane onto southbound MD 5, heading toward the park.

The narrow lanes of Rt. 5 from Ridge to Scotland will finally be widened due to intervention of Gov. Larry Hogan
The narrow lanes of Rt. 5 from Ridge to Scotland will finally be widened due to intervention of Gov. Larry Hogan.

During the summer peak season, the number of vehicles grows from 750 off season to 4,900 vehicles traveling this portion of MD 5 daily – a nearly seven-fold jump in the amount of traffic. In 2035, the peak-season traffic is expected to increase to 7,000 vehicles-per-day.

Roy Dyson and John Bohanan shown hold a SHA plan to eliminate the bottleneck on Rt. 5 at Great Mills with reversible rush hour center lane that neither of them bothered to promote.
Roy Dyson and John Bohanan shown hold a SHA plan to eliminate the bottleneck on Rt. 5 at Great Mills with reversible rush hour center lane that neither of them bothered to promote. Both lost election contests in 2014 to GOP candidates after spending decades in office. 

Even before the park opens at 6:00 AM, MD 5 delays quickly build for residents, pedestrians, cyclists and emergency responders. A disabled vehicle or minor crash can paralyze the area. These improvements will provide emergency shoulders that can be used for travel during peak times.

  • The existing, narrow two-lane roadway is problematic for tourists unfamiliar with the road and regular visitors who drive recreational vehicles and tow boat trailers. In addition to people driving 8 ½-foot-wide recreational vehicles trying to navigate 10-foot lanes, drivers are challenged by the absence of shoulders and very soft ground and deep ditches on the roadside.

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