Big Brother in Your Bathroom
On May 27, 2014, in a 3-2 decision, the St. Mary’s Board of County Commissioners made a major policy change toward bringing public sewerage to Charlotte Hall and New Market. In previous years, developers of commercial and residential projects had to install their own systems at their own expense.
As a result, North County developers, Ben Burroughs and Sonny Burch, focused on easier to sewer commercial projects like shopping centers, office complexes, and industrial lots rather than high density residential (thus high maintenance) garden apartment complexes that P.G. County is famous for. And, Charles County has also encouraged to the detriment of their quality of life and loss of political diversity.
Two years ago, our present Board unanimously rejected the proposal by MetCom (our water utility in St. Mary’s County) to take over and upgrade the sewer fields behind the Food Lion in Charlotte Hall. By denying the 5.3 million dollar request, commercial development was allowed on the private system but quasi-public ownership of the sewer system and service for high density garden apartments was discouraged. Neighbors in the adjacent subdivision of Indian Creek breathed a sigh of relief. Not only was the cultural threat of urban sprawl avoided, they would not be each forced to spend 15-20 thousand dollars for the “privilege” of connecting to public and sewer.
Last year, Commissioner President Jack Russell, the lone Democrat on our Board switched his position and voted to bring public sewerage into Charlotte Hall. Fortunately for those people who wish to “Keep Waldorf in Waldorf”, the four Republicans on the St. Mary’s Board of County Commissioners stood firm in saying “No” to MetCom. President Russell’s change of position is politically understandable as Democrats line up in lock step with Governor O’Malley’s and President Obama’s continuing plans to erode rural values and revoke property rights.
This year, in an unprecedented and politically audacious move, two Republican County Commissioners flip-flopped and voted with Commissioner President Jack Russell to bring Big Brother into the bathrooms of homes and businesses in Charlotte Hall and New Market. Not only did Todd Morgan and Cindy Jones join Jack Russell
to vote against my motion to exclude the Charlotte Hall/New Market public sewer project from MetCom’s capital plan. Commissioner Cindy Jones made the motion to approve the Capital Budget with the 5.4 million dollar project included. Only Commissioner Danny Morris and I remained true to our long standing commitment to protect quality of life and the interests of the majority of working and retired taxpayers.
Bottom line, unless there is a major change of leadership on both State and local levels, residents of Northern St. Mary’s will be required to pay for public water and sewer that benefits developers who build high density residential apartment and condominium projects.
Remember that Cindy Jones flip-flopped and made the motion to set MetCom’s putrid plan in motion.
Of all the candidates for District 29 State Senate in the Republican Primary Election on June 24, only Cindy Jones and I have public records and votes that you can review and make an informed decision upon whom to vote for.
My long-term record of support and success in granting property, energy, and senior tax relief while fully funding public education stands in stark contrast to her own record of opposition to such initiatives. Her willingness to subsidize high density residential development in Northern St. Mary’s County prior to beginning and documenting a plan for Charlotte Hall may be the desire of a few construction companies who want to move apartment complexes south from Billingsley Road across the St. Mary’s County line.
But, do you feel this is good for St. Mary’s County?
Please express your opinion at the polls on Tuesday, June 24. Thank You.
Larry Jarboe –