“If people could see what the banner plane pilots see they would not go into the water,” King adds. “Boats chum them up but not anymore than they already are. The area in front of Rehoboth Beach is a popular place to fish for them.”
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“If people could see what the banner plane pilots see they would not go into the water,” King adds. “Boats chum them up but not anymore than they already are. The area in front of Rehoboth Beach is a popular place to fish for them.”
REHOBOTH BEACH (Aug. 25, 2014) – Following an investigation into a criminal mischief case at Delaware Seashore State Park, DNREC Natural Resources Police, Delaware State Parks Enforcement rangers report that on Aug. 22, 2014, they arrested Bryce L. Coviello, 26, of Ocean View.
The 19-year-old man on the scooter was reported unresponsive for about 10 minutes, and then he became confused and combative, suggesting a suspected head injury. He wore no helmet.
The scooter struck the driver’s side of the Mercedes SUV in the intersection. Lt. William Sullivan, police spokesman, says the driver of the Mercedes has been charged with making an illegal U-turn, no proof of insurance, and failure to signal.
07/07/2014 — Police say Kenneth Hunt 2nd, 24, of Dover, was killed when he crashed his 2004 Kawasaki ZX6 motorcycle at high speed into the rear of a 1999 Dodge Ram 1500 pickup truck. Both vehicles were traveling on the southbound lanes around 1:40 a.m. Sunday.
Witnesses said they heard the high-pitched motorcycle engine approach the intersection of Coastal Highway and Old Landing Road. That is where they reported hearing an impact and the Kawasaki slide across the roadway toward Atlantic Liquors and burst into flames.
Investigators Looking for Wanted Sex Offender….while Delaware State Police didn’t include any distinguishing physical characteristics, they did release this photo… Location: Rehoboth, DE Date of …