MURDER USA: Feds will give Hobos shelter for the rest of their lives – in slammer for murdering witnesses in Rico Rap

Although the Hobos lacked a traditional hierarchy, Gregory Chester was recognized as its leader. When the Hobos learned that individuals were cooperating with law enforcement, the gang resorted to murder in order to prevent it.

Lexington Park: Hobos & Hookers report exposes need for police – hobos pick-up horseshoe tournament

LEXINGTON PARK, MD. — St. Mary’s Sheriff Tim Cameron has his Hobos & Hooker Squad on the job in Sin City.

Police report that on July 22, 2014, Deputy Al Beishline observed Anthony Charles Wright, 45, of Lexington Park, on the property of St. Mary’s Square after having been served a no trespass notice for the property. Wright was placed under arrest and transported to the St. Mary’s County Detention Center. He was charged with Trespass Private Property.