Geezer’s Date Night Ends up Sideways on top of Solomon’s Bridge
All Crime, All The Time – News and Commentary on the Criminal Class
ST. GEORGE ISLAND — According to St. Mary’s Sheriff Tim Cameron on June 17, 2014 at 12:04 AM, while conducting a premise check, Deputy A. Cole and Deputy L. Johnson located Yoni A Alvarez Granados, 37, of Bryans Road, and Arturo Ernesto Rosa-Lopez, 33, of Woodbridge, Virginia, on the property of Camp Merryelande located in Piney Point, likely to get in some free fishing. The investigation revealed Rosa-Lopez and Granados had walked across another property owned by a citizen to get to the Camp Merryelande property and were fishing when they were found by deputies. “No Trespassing” signs were clearly posted on both properties. Both suspects were charged with Trespass: Private Property by criminal citation.