The “victim” – a drug dealer – now joins his attackers in the slammer after he is alleged to be dealing in stolen guns and selling weed – along with charges of aiming gunfire at an occupied waterfront home in Compton.
All Crime, All The Time – News and Commentary on the Criminal Class
The “victim” – a drug dealer – now joins his attackers in the slammer after he is alleged to be dealing in stolen guns and selling weed – along with charges of aiming gunfire at an occupied waterfront home in Compton.
Anyone with information regarding this incident or the whereabouts of the Neisa Gaston and Teo-Tre Gaston is asked to contact Detective Melissa Hulse at (301) 475-4200 extension *1996,
We put beer on ice in garbage cans, booze and paper cups on boards, and the customers helped themselves. “Rue’s Roost” never closed! All our help pitched in on the move. Fran Harris came with us on the Friday morning of the opening.
Your lawnmower, riding tractor, roto-tiller or boat motor might be just fine the way you have them arranged in your boathouses, sheds or carports but to druggies, they are a ticket to tonight’s paradise for a cheap dose of crack or heroin. Some thieves take your items to pawn shops or scrap metal dealers.
Here are a few more recent reports from police of those who have become victims of burglars and thieves and in many cases the items were left in unlocked structures.