It is not smart growth to add up to 658 new houses to traffic-snarled, sea-level-rise-vulnerable Kent Island. But, worse, the potential exists for all 1,600 lots, and possibly the 487 as well, to become buildable as a direct result of the Project.
Some of the owners of multiple vacant lots in the service area have announced that they will bring a court challenge against the Ordinance, the outcome of which we believe, after extensive legal research, is likely to be in favor of the challengers. The County purports to have legal advice that the challenge will likely fail, but this advice has not been shared with the public — certainly, the SGCC should review that advice. The SGCC should also revisit the determination that the nine-year-old Attorney General’s opinion can, on today’s facts and law, still be relied on to exclude the 487 lots, some of whose owners have also stated they will take legal action. 2