Murder USA Kyle Shurtleff charged with loading up his girlfriends ride with extra lead; he missed her and killed the car

He then got into a nearby silver Nissan Xterra and used the vehicle to block her in the driveway and reportedly exited the car and stood in front of the victim’s car and continued to fire multiple shots.

Calvert County Sheriff Police Beat / Convicted burglar Robert Adam Silberstein must have a friend in Calvert States Attorney Laura Martin

Laura Martin represented Silberstein when he was charged by Calvert Deputy Patrick “Dave” McDowell with second-degree rape, fourth-degree sex offense, and second-degree assault.

Southern Md. Police Beat: Norman Goedecke Indicted for Possession of Firearms by Felon

On October 2, 2014 investigators from Criminal Enforcement Division and the St. Mary’s County States Attorney’s Office presented this investigation to the St. Mary’s County Grand Jury. A five Count Indictment was handed down from the Grand Jury, charging Goedecke with being in possession of a regulated firearm.

On October 6, 2014, members from the Maryland State Police Warrant Apprehension Team (MSAT) located and arrested Norman Goedecke at his residence in Mechanicville, St. Mary’s County, MD without incident. Goedecke was transported to the St. Mary’s County Detention Center pending a bond hearing.