Will KKK leader get to meet any nice black guys in prison?

When questioned by local investigators, Dinkle falsely denied his involvement in the incident and said that he had resigned his office and withdrawn from the KKK months before the cross burning. When approached by the FBI, Dinkle again lied and told a special agent that he had been at home with his girlfriend when the cross burning occurred. He further claimed that he did not know a person who was, in fact, one of his superiors in the KKK at the time of the cross burning.

In spite of many benefits of exporting LNG gas from Cove Point, nay-sayers say nay to making hay

Cove Point facility in Lusby has been importing liquefied natural gas for more than 30 years. Dominion acquired the facility in 2003 and plans to build a facility to export LNG. Capital News Service photo by Amanda Salvucci.

But others see the conversion as an environmental hazard that exposes all of Maryland to the potential risks of gas obtained through hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, and fear it could lead to use of the controversial gas-extraction method within the state.