MURDER USA Maryland MS 13 Member Raul Landaverde-Giron Convicted in Federal Racketeering Conspiracy Including Murder; Faces Life in Slammer

MS-13 members are required to commit acts of violence to maintain membership and discipline within the gang.  One of the principal rules of MS-13 is that its members must attack and kill rivals, known as “chavalas,” whenever possible. 

MURDER USA / Feds Say Gang Boss Luis Arnoldo Flores-Reyes, aka Maloso and Lobo, Gave Kill Order and Listened to Monitor Murder on Smart Phone


PG County Police Beat / Miles Marcos, Scion of Pizza Chain Family Founders, and Son of Bowie Councilman Jimmy Marcos Charged with Armed Robbery

Bowie Police arrested the son of Bowie City Councilman James Marcos on charges of armed robbery, conspiracy to rob, first and second-degree assault and conspiracy to commit robbery for an incident that took place on Jan. 16, 2018. No mention of the arrest was made by Bowie Police in the city police reports or Facebook page.

MURDER USA Illegal alien gang member Elmer Rios-Mancia sought for murder in El Salvador was welcome in Montgomery and PG Counties until nabbed by ICE; now he is back home facing murder trial

MURDER USA Illegal alien gang member Elmer Rios-Mancia sought for murder in El Salvador was welcome in Montgomery and PG Counties until nabbed by ICE; …

MURDER USA Maurice Bellamy Found Guilty of Two Murders; Killed Secret Service Officer in Robbery, and 15-Year-Old in Attack at Metro Station

  The homicide of Davonte Washington was captured on Metro surveillance video.  Bellamy was arrested two days after Davonte’s murder and has been in custody ever since. An investigation determined that the same gun that killed the teenager was used to kill Mr. Baldwin.

Stafford Sheriff Police Beat: Alleged Road Rage Maniacs Beat Victim in Face; Threatened with Guns in Midnight Melee on Rt. 1

The roads of Virginia are alive with armed ghetto thugs, hillbillies, and rednecks on a rampage. Then there are the illegal alien drivers without insurance or that don’t really give a hoot about what or whom they run into because they just aren’t going to stop to give aid or exchange information about insurance they don’t have.