The adventures of the Black Bandit: Bank robber dressed all in black with a Band-Aid across his nose robbed bank!

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The Band-Aid Bandit

The adventures of the Black Bandit: Bank robber dressed all in black with a Band-Aid across his nose robbed bank!

CHARLOTTE HALL, MD. — Cops say that a black bandit with a Band-Aid decorated his nose robbed a bank in St. Mary’s County.

On October 15, 2015, at 0910 hrs, St. Mary’s County Control Center simulcast a bank robbery at  PNC Bank, located at 37650 Oak Station Rd., Charlotte Hall, St. Mary’s County, MD.  Troopers from the Leonardtown Barrack and Deputies from St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office arrived and secured the scene. 

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Investigators from Maryland State Police Criminal Enforcement Division, Central South Region and MSP Forensic Science Division responded to the scene and assumed the investigation.  Investigation revealed shortly after 0900 hours, an black male entered the PNC Bank and demanded money (no weapon was displayed).  Once an undisclosed amount of currency was obtained from the Banks employees, the black male fled the scene on foot.  No injuries were sustained during the robbery.

The African American male was dressed in all black clothing, medium height and medium build with a band aide across his nose and had a mustache with a goatee.

St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office assisted with securing the scene and obtaining initial investigation details.

The FBI and the St. Mary’s County States Attorney’s Office are currently assisting with the investigation.

Anyone having information relating to possible suspect and/or suspect vehicle information are urged to contact Trooper First Class R. Jackson or Trooper First Class D. Brill of the Maryland State Police – Criminal Enforcement Division at 301-475-8955, “TIPS” Line at 410-257-4925 or

  • Once an undisclosed amount of currency was obtained from the Banks employees, the black male fled the scene on foot. No injuries were sustained during the robbery.

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