11foot8.com world’s toughest bridge, is in Durham, N.C. and so are the dumbest truck drivers

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From Raleigh News-Observer

— If you’re paying attention this week when you drive that tall truck down South Gregson Street, you’ll get fair warning about the low bridge ahead.

A series of yellow diamond signs, starting a block in advance, will tell you about the 11-foot, 8-inch clearance.

Then the yellow lights will go crazy, the ones with an overhead sign that says: OVERHEIGHT WHEN FLASHING.

You’ll have one last chance to escape disaster. You can turn onto Peabody Street, just before Gregson runs beneath the railroad bridge that carries freight and passenger trains across downtown Durham.

But if you’re not paying attention – you dummy! – you’ll make plenty of noise as you crash into that low bridge. It will peel the roof off your moving van. It will scatter the hay bales or building supplies stacked much too high on your flatbed.

It might leave your box truck wedged beneath the overpass. The tow-truck driver will have to deflate your tires before he can haul your sorry self away.

And here’s the good news for the rest of us: Your cartoon-clumsy blunder will be immortalized as Crash #59 on Jürgen Henn’s video website, 11foot8.com.

Thanks to frequent notice from media websites across the United States and Europe, your antics will entertain TV viewers and web surfers around the world.

Henn manages the computers for a Duke University research lab housed in second-floor offices at Brightleaf Square, with windows overlooking ….MORE

Read more here: http://www.newsobserver.com/2012/11/12/2480134_road-worrier-smile-tall-trucks.html?rh=1#storylink=cpy


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