Overtime for some employees of St. Mary’s Sheriff is excessive

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The purpose of the request for information was to spot-check the overtime allowed for various employees by St. Mary’s Sheriff Tim Cameron


Cpl. David Alexander $93,500 / $24,493

Capt. Daniel Alioto $102,481  / 0

Capt. Edward Willenborg $108,521

Dep. Michael Butler $94,940 $15,122

Dep. Brian Connelly $83,813 $14,956

Lt. Edward Evans $99,679 $20,750

Capt. Steven Hall $98,383 0

Dep. Andrew Holton $91,387 $16,401

Maj. John Horne $116,570 0

Cpl. Mark Howard $115,471 $41,875

Cpl. M. A. Labanowski $94,755 $23,941

Cpl. Douglas Mills $96,356 $25,207

Lt. John Payne $115,791 $21,878

Cpl. Milton Pesante $85,803 $21,107

Sgt. William Raddatz $98,959 $26,080

Sgt. Richard Russell $96,739 $18,549

Sgt. Robert Russell $96,263 $15,851

Dep. Russell Trow $96,454 $19,008

Cpl. Anthony Whipkey $77,206 $15,001

Lt. David Yingling $96,495 $20,848

Lt. Julie Yingling $79,718 $2,117

Sgt. Harold Young $96,287 $11,110

Lt. Theo. Belleavoine $96,490 $5,329

The Sheriff’s Department overall overtime figures for uniformed law enforcement (not including jail) employees were as follows:

Overtime 1.5x $864,219

Overtime 1.0x $600

Overtime call back $76,577

Administrative Leave* $58,672

The St. Mary’s County Commissioners have included in the new fiscal year budget a line item for $125,000 for a “Compensation Study” which is usually when the county hires a consultant who will tell them it’s time to hike salaries. There are currently 136 Sheriff’s deputies and 11 terminated deputies as of the date of the information released to THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY.

  • The St. Mary’s County Commissioners have included in the new fiscal year budget a line item for $125,000 for a "Compensation Study" which is usually when the county hires a consultant who will tell them it’s time to hike salaries. There are currently 136 Sheriff’s deputies and 11 terminated deputies as of the date of the information released to THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY.


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