Boating Breaking News Land of Pleasant Living Outdoor Life Photo Gallery 0 Buzz’s Marina: the center of all Rockfish action on the Chesapeake Bay By adminPosted onApril 29, 2014April 29, 2014Time to Read:-words Spread the love RJ and Jake on the Three J’s with big rockfish from Buzz’s Marina, the rockfish center of the Chesapeake Bay Buzz’s Marina: where the big fish are brought in daily Spread the loveTweet Related posts: Police nabbed man with ton of illegal rockfish in dead of night Pirate Poachers of the Bay: Taco take-down at Piney Point boat ramp as cops seize undersize rockfish World’s largest flotilla of Chesapeake Bay Buyboats assemble at Fitzie’s Marina A record Snakehead for Todd Murphy as many find ’em better to eat than Rockfish