Boating Breaking News Land of Pleasant Living Outdoor Life Photo Gallery 0 Buzz’s Marina: the center of all Rockfish action on the Chesapeake Bay By adminPosted onApril 29, 2014April 29, 2014Time to Read:-words Spread the love RJ and Jake on the Three J’s with big rockfish from Buzz’s Marina, the rockfish center of the Chesapeake Bay Buzz’s Marina: where the big fish are brought in daily Spread the loveTweet Related Posts World's largest flotilla of Chesapeake Bay Buyboats assemble at Fitzie's MarinaFitzie's Marina owner Dan FitzGerald reports that thirteen historic Chesapeake Bay Buyboats are visiting Fitzie's… The CHESAPEAKE TODAY on newsstands Sailing Down The Chesapeake BaySailing Down The Chesapeake Bay