Worcester Sheriff Police Beat / Hare will dwell like a turtle in slammer for bank heist

Hare admitted that after robbing the tellers in the lobby, Hare found a bank employee who had locked herself in a back room of the bank. Hare forced open the locked door and demanded her car keys and her purse. The employee gave Hare her purse, which contained cash and personal effects, and the keys to her car, a 2007 Kia Spectra, which was parked in the bank’s parking lot.

Berlin: DUI crashes, fatal wrecks and arrests highlights Maryland State Police activity

SNOW HILL, MD. Maryland State Police report that on June 29, 2014, at approximately 0247 hrs, troopers responded to the area of 3323 Snow Hill Road for a reported single vehicle collision. Upon the arrival of troopers it was determined Michael Cieslak of Washington DC was traveling on Snow Hill Road in a 2006 Mercedes when he failed to maintain control of the vehicle. The Mercedes left the roadway and struck a utility pole. Cieslak was treated on scene, but troopers noted evidence of impairment. Cieslak failed field sobriety testing and was placed under arrest. He was transported back to the Berlin Barrack, and he agreed to take an evidentiary breath test yielding a result of 0.17 grams of alcohol per 210 ml of breath. Any breath sample of 0.08 or above is deemed to be impaired in the State of Maryland.