Maryland State Police Beat / Heroin, Crack, Pot-packing, and Oxy led the bill while DUI arrests brought up the rear; Darryl Icenhower had a backup plan to get blitzed with if his heroin didn’t work

Trooper First Class Robinson responded to the Walmart in Dunkirk for a reported intoxicated subject.  Debra M. Vaughn, 28 of Baltimore was located and the investigation revealed numerous shoplifted items in her possession.  A search prior to arrest revealed cocaine/alprazolam and Oxycotin. 

Southern Md. Police Beat: The Three Stooges of Coke & Pot – DUI arrests, and not dead yet from heroin

The driver, Sean J. Pope, 32 of St. Leonard, appeared to be extremely nervous when TFC Palumbo approached the vehicle. A K-9 scan of the vehicle yielded a positive alert. A probable cause search revealed both Heroin and Oxycodone.