Crowds Surge at Ocean City

The cash registers were jingling at thousands of retail stores as shoppers loaded up on groceries and other items needed to fuel families on vacation at the beach this past weekend, throughout the Eastern Shore of Maryland but especially at Ocean City.

The sales tax collection for Gov. Martin O’Malley’s spending programs must have been tremendous while a review of roadside campaign clutter revealed that the big fight between O’Malley’s junior partner and Republican Larry Hogan has yet to catch fire.

Cap’n Larry Jarboe: Croakers by the Pound

Croaker fishing from a pier is quite productive. But, you can increase your odds by taking a boat to the edge of a channel and fishing along that edge. Also, oyster beds are particularly good feeding grounds for croakers to dine upon. Drift fishing will help you cover a lot of bottom till you find a good area to anchor.

The croaker limit of 25 per angler is quite generous. Make sure you keep those noisy fish chilled or iced down well. No sense spoiling that delectable salt water taste that croakers are known for. Fresh fried croaker is fine eating. Freezing the fillets diminishes the flavor greatly.