The Girly Burglar — Malik Sharon Jordan charged with theft from auto and attempting to steal it

The Case of the Girly Burglar

Lexington Park, Maryland -08/14/2014 – Police report that a Lexington Park woman tried to leave home for work when she discovered that an alleged dirtbag had broken into her vehicle and tore up the ignition in an attempt to steal the vehicle. In his quest for cash to likely buy drugs or a new middle name that isn’t so feminine, the car burglar allegedly stole the victim’s GPS which is likely to send him in a new direction in life.

Patrick James Hutching Update: Sell Tickets to the Public and Give Proceeds to County Treasury

LEONARDTOWN, MD.– It’s been a hot time in the old Hotel St. Mary’s with another round of fights between inmates. On July 2, 2014, Deputy Manns responded to the St. Mary’s County Detention Center for a fight between inmates. The investigation revealed inmates Patrick James Hutching, 31, of Leonardtown, and Tyler Allen Messick, 22, of Leonardtown, engaged in several mutual fights during an extended period of time. Hutching and Messick were both charged with 2nd Degree Assault on fellow inmates.