Being accused of a crime was new for Wise, who apparently has started at the top of possible and alleged wrong-doing.
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Being accused of a crime was new for Wise, who apparently has started at the top of possible and alleged wrong-doing.
MURDER USA: Ex-con drug dealer Antonio Diggs charged with homicide of Nathan Ford ODENTON, MD. Anne Arundel County Police report that for several days, homicide …
Bush was found guilty in St. Mary’s County Circuit Court of first-degree assault on July 29, 2002, and was sentenced to twelve years in prison.
Pack was indicted by the Anne Arundel County Grand Jury on Sept. 18, 2015, for felony assault and use of a firearm in the commission of a felony, remarkably similar to the act of allegedly blowing away Dixon on April Fool’s Day.
Police say Hemsley confronted the victim, John Edward Yates, 71, and stabbed him several times. The suspect then forced his daughter – at knife point – into his car.
MECHANICSVILLE, MD. – St. Mary’s Sheriff Tim Cameron reports that detectives have charged Nathan Bailey, with abuse of an infant and dumping the injured baby off at a daycare center; the child is now in critical condition at Children’s Hospital in D.C.
A domestic violence petition was filed against Gregory on Sept. 13, 2014, and it expired on Sept. 19, 2014. The court dismissed the order for Gregory to stay out of his residence and away from his wife when she failed to appear for the final hearing on Sept. 23, 2014.
Bryant is charged in connection with the murder of Dommeir D. Deshields, 21, of the 700-block of Church Street, Salisbury, Md. Deshields was walking on a Salisbury street when an individual approached and shot him.