Pirate Poacher of the Chesapeake Adam Antes Nabbed by Cops Using Space-based Satellite Technology
News and Commentary
By Ken Rossignol
TANGIER SOUND, MD. – The poaching pirates of the Chesapeake Bay, a small but determined group of outlaw watermen, continue to thwart the efforts to perpetuate the oysters and other bounty of the Bay.
Whether it be undersize or female crabs, under size rockfish or robbing oyster sanctuaries, these outlaw watermen continue to commit their most foul deeds.
Among the ones who are outraged the most over the actions of the poaching pirates are the honest and hard-working watermen who follow the laws and abide by the regulations that hopefully will restore the fisheries.
The compatriots to the pirates unfortunately continue to be weak-sister prosecutors and bone-headed judges who arrange sweet deals and light or non-existent outcomes.
The most recent ridiculous deal came from Talbot County States Attorney Scott Patterson who let the Lynch Brothers Pirates off ‘Scott-Free’ from their violations, without a penny paid in fines.
Maryland taxpayers continue to invest millions in shipping oyster shells from the Gulf coast to the Chesapeake to use in building up and restoring oyster bars.
The latest poaching pirate is revealed in this dispatch from the Natural Resources Police on Jan. 16, 2015:
Armed with their newest enforcement tool, Maryland Natural Resources Police officers Friday morning pierced a blanket of fog to nab a waterman illegally harvesting oysters from a state sanctuary in Somerset County.
Officers were on patrol in the Tangier Sound, monitoring the radar capability of the Maritime Law Enforcement Information Network (MLEIN), when they noticed a vessel heading toward the Somerset Oyster Sanctuary. Due to heavy fog in the area, officers were able to position themselves near the sanctuary without being detected.
Once the officers observed the suspect vessel enter the sanctuary on MLEIN, they intercepted the vessel actively engaged in dredging for oysters. Officers then maneuvered alongside and boarded the vessel, operated by Adam Rodney Antes, 32, of Nanticoke.
Antes had two bushels of undersized oysters on board. Antes received two citations for harvesting oysters from a sanctuary and two citations for harvesting undersized oysters. Both bushels of oysters were returned to the sanctuary.
Antes is scheduled to appear in Somerset District Court on March 10. If found guilty of all four charges, he faces a maximum penalty of $8,000.
The Citation and Criminal Record of Adam Antes
In December, Antes was charged with overharvesting oysters in Wicomico County, a case that is scheduled to be tried on March 3. Last August, he was found guilty in Wicomico County for possessing undersized crabs and was found guilty last March in Somerset County for possessing unmeasured oysters.
Adam Rodney Antes of 2605 Hickman Lane, Nanticoke, Md., was cited on Dec. 17, 2014 by NRP Officer J. McNamara for over the daily limits of oysters. Case will be held in Wicomico District Court on March 3, 2015.
Ticketed for driving his vehicle on roadways without current registration plates/driving while his license was suspended by Maryland State Trooper K. Secrist of the Salisbury Barrack of the Maryland State Police. He entered a guilty plea on Aug. 1, 2014 and was fined $70.00.
Cited on March 25, 2014 by Natural Resources Officer J. W Bromley IV for possession of unculled oysters. In Somerset County District Court on April 29, 2014, he entered a plea of guilty and was fined $132.50.
Cited by NRP Officer for possession of undersized crabs on Aug. 19, 2013. In Wicomico County District Court he was found guilty and fined $67.50. Crabs were selling for over $100.00 a dozen retail in some locations at that time. This easy deal was the responsibility of Wicomico County States Attorney MATTHEW A. MACIARELLO, State’s Attorney (Republican).
Arrested by Wicomico County Dfc. Jeffrey Heath for possession of paraphernalia and possession of drugs other than marijuana on Aug. 12, 2012, Antes entered a guilty plea to the drug charge on March 1, 2013 in Wicomico County District Court and was fined $500.00. Antes was represented by attorney Michael J. Richardson of Nanticoke, Md.
Charged with assault and disorderly conduct in Worcester County, Md., on Feb. 11, 2010 by Deputy Edward Newcomb. Antes, represented by attorney Michael S. Rotwein of Ocean City, entered a guilty plea to disorderly conduct and was put on Probation Before Judgment on July 8, 2010 and fined $100.00.
Arrested for possession of marijuana on Sept. 13, 2006 by Deputy James Rodriquez in Worcester County, Md., he entered a guilty plea in District Court on Nov. 11, 2006 and was fined $500.00.
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