Bohanan lost Delegate seat but will be returned to full-time status working for Hoyer

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Sen. Roy Dyson suffered a significant defeat at the hands of GOP candidate Steve Waugh. Dyson played both sides of the fence for years, being pals with O'Malley when it suited him and talking tough on fiscal issues in order to sound like a Republican.  THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY photo

State Senator

Legislative District 29

(Vote for One)
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Name Party Early Voting Election Day Absentee / Provisional Total Percentage
Roy Dyson
Democratic 2,093 11,478 0 13,571 43.7%
Steve Waugh
Republican 2,320 15,180 0 17,500 56.3%
Other Write-Ins
N/A 1 17 0 18 0.1%

House of Delegates

Carpetbaggers for MorganLegislative District 29A

(Vote for One)
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Name Party Early Voting Election Day Absentee / Provisional Total Percentage
Daniel A.M. Slade
Democratic 697 3,887 0 4,584 34.7%
Matt Morgan
Republican 1,146 7,479 0 8,625 65.2%
Other Write-Ins
N/A 1 12 0 13 0.1%

Legislative District 29B

Matt Morgan won in a GOP landslide and helped end any representation in Annapolis for St. Mary's County by Democrats for the foreseeable future.
Matt Morgan won in a GOP landslide and helped end any representation in Annapolis for St. Mary’s County by Democrats for the foreseeable future.
(Vote for One)
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Name Party Early Voting Election Day Absentee / Provisional Total Percentage
John Bohanan
Democratic 687 4,346 0 5,033 49.4%
Deb Rey
Republican 498 4,650 0 5,148 50.5%
Other Write-Ins
N/A 0 10 0 10 0.1%

Legislative District 29C

(Vote for One)
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Name Party Early Voting Election Day Absentee / Provisional Total Percentage
Len Zuza
Democratic 410 1,531 0 1,941 26.2%
Tony O’Donnell
Republican 944 4,507 0 5,451 73.7%
Other Write-Ins
N/A 0 5 0 5 0.1%

Judge, Court of Special Appeals At Large

Kevin F. Arthur
Vote Yes or No
(For continuance in office)
This table may scroll left to right depending on the screen size of your device.
Early Voting Election Day Absentee / Provisional Total Percentage
Yes 3,160 18,958 0 22,118 84.6%
No 536 3,498 0 4,034 15.4%
Andrea M. Leahy
Vote Yes or No
(For continuance in office)
This table may scroll left to right depending on the screen size of your device.
Early Voting Election Day Absentee / Provisional Total Percentage
Yes 3,163 19,027 0 22,190 85.0%
No 517 3,384 0 3,901 15.0%

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