Washington, DC (Sept. 24, 2014) — The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) today announced the start of DC Streetcar’s “Pre-Revenue Operations” phase—a crucial milestone for DC Streetcar as it continues prepping the system to be certified safe to carry passengers. System Integration Testing and Operator Training is wrapping up now, and Pre-Revenue Operations is anticipated to begin Monday, September 29.
Pre-Revenue Operations is actual service simulated along the corridor without passengers. During this phase, all streetcar vehicles will run at their projected hours with projected headways (about every 10 minutes). Proposed hours of operations for the streetcars were included in a recent legislation package that is now open for public review. Comments regarding the proposed hours of operation can be sent to publicspace.policy@dc.gov until September 27.
The proposed hours are:
• Monday-Thursday: 6 am – midnight
• Friday: 6 am – 2 am
• Saturday: 8 am – 2 am
• Sundays and Holidays: 8 am – 10 pm
Motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians can expect to see streetcars with greater frequency during this phase and are reminded of the following safety tips:
- Streetcars share the roadways, but cannot veer around vehicles.
- Vehicles, including delivery trucks, should be sure to park within the lines and use designated loading zones. The Department of Public Works is now ticketing and towing vehicles that impede the path of the streetcar.
- Pedestrians, motorists and bicyclists should use caution as they travel through the corridor.
- Remember to “Look, Listen, Be Safe!” near streetcar vehicles at all times—look both ways and listen for the streetcar before stepping into the crosswalk.
- Never walk in front of a moving streetcar.
- Traffic and pedestrian signals exist for your safety—follow them to ensure your safety.
For more information, visit www.dcstreetcar.com.