Breaking News EMT and fire Entertainment Photo Gallery Remember when This Just In! 0 Earleigh Heights VFC looking forward to new engine By adminPosted onJuly 14, 2014July 14, 2014Time to Read:-words Spread the love Earleigh Heights VFD carnival ride. THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY photo Hanging upside down at the Earleigh Heights VFD carnival. THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY photo Earleigh Heights Volunteer Fire Company Station 12 Earleigh Heights VFD Anne Arundel County firehouse. THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY photo New engine is on the way to Earleigh Heights VFD. Earleigh Heights VFD photo Available in audio edition, click to hear 4 min. sample. Also eBook and paperback Spread the loveTweet Related Posts Ritchie VFD engine hit by reckless Beltway driver at crash sceneWith the engine positioned for barrier protection 2 of the 5 firefighters dismounted to determine… Murder USA: Security guards gunned down in Ghetto Paradise of Capitol Heights; Adrian Kinard deadCAPITOL HEIGHTS, MD. – Continuing with the nationwide increase in homicide and crime since the… Capitol Heights: Dirtbag went for his gun after police responded to gunfire; cop nailed him --- dead! Officers Uninjured After Fatal Police-Involved Shooting -- a victory for the taxpayers! CAPITOL HEIGHTS, MD.…