Primary Election 2014 results for Dorchester County, Maryland
Governor / Lt. Governor
Democratic (Vote for One)
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Name | Party | Early Voting | Election Day | Absentee / Provisional | Total | Percentage |
Brown/ Ulman
Democratic | 214 | 869 | 0 | 1,083 | 48.9% |
Gansler/ Ivey
Democratic | 131 | 525 | 0 | 656 | 29.6% |
Jaffe/ Jaffe
Democratic | 3 | 37 | 0 | 40 | 1.8% |
Mizeur/ Coates
Democratic | 45 | 231 | 0 | 276 | 12.5% |
Smith/ Tucker
Democratic | 5 | 43 | 0 | 48 | 2.2% |
Walsh/ Wingate-Pennacchia
Democratic | 15 | 97 | 0 | 112 | 5.1% |
Republican (Vote for One)
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Name | Party | Early Voting | Election Day | Absentee / Provisional | Total | Percentage |
Craig/ Haddaway
Republican | 306 | 1,561 | 0 | 1,867 | 69.7% |
George/ Aloi
Republican | 23 | 132 | 0 | 155 | 5.8% |
Hogan/ Rutherford
Republican | 80 | 476 | 0 | 556 | 20.8% |
Lollar/ Timmerman
Republican | 22 | 78 | 0 | 100 | 3.7% |
Democratic (Vote for One)
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Name | Party | Early Voting | Election Day | Absentee / Provisional | Total | Percentage |
Peter Franchot
Democratic | 319 | 1,300 | 0 | 1,619 | 100.0% |
Republican (Vote for One)
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Name | Party | Early Voting | Election Day | Absentee / Provisional | Total | Percentage |
William H. Campbell
Republican | 315 | 1,588 | 0 | 1,903 | 100.0% |
Attorney General
Democratic (Vote for One)
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Name | Party | Early Voting | Election Day | Absentee / Provisional | Total | Percentage |
Aisha Braveboy
Democratic | 77 | 282 | 0 | 359 | 17.4% |
Jon S. Cardin
Democratic | 187 | 845 | 0 | 1,032 | 50.1% |
Brian E. Frosh
Democratic | 111 | 559 | 0 | 670 | 32.5% |
Republican (Vote for One)
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Name | Party | Early Voting | Election Day | Absentee / Provisional | Total | Percentage |
Jeffrey N. Pritzker
Republican | 306 | 1,545 | 0 | 1,851 | 100.0% |
Representative in Congress
Congressional District 1
Democratic (Vote for One)
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Name | Party | Early Voting | Election Day | Absentee / Provisional | Total | Percentage |
John LaFerla
Democratic | 212 | 708 | 0 | 920 | 47.6% |
Bill Tilghman
Democratic | 141 | 872 | 0 | 1,013 | 52.4% |
Republican (Vote for One)
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Name | Party | Early Voting | Election Day | Absentee / Provisional | Total | Percentage |
Jonathan Goff, Jr.
Republican | 96 | 450 | 0 | 546 | 21.2% |
Andy Harris
Republican | 325 | 1,704 | 0 | 2,029 | 78.8% |
State Senator
Legislative District 37
Democratic (Vote for One)
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Name | Party | Early Voting | Election Day | Absentee / Provisional | Total | Percentage |
Christopher R. Robinson
Democratic | 334 | 1,401 | 0 | 1,735 | 100.0% |
Republican (Vote for One)
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Name | Party | Early Voting | Election Day | Absentee / Provisional | Total | Percentage |
Richard F. Colburn
Republican | 201 | 1,172 | 0 | 1,373 | 50.5% |
Adelaide “Addie” Eckardt
Republican | 237 | 1,107 | 0 | 1,344 | 49.5% |
House of Delegates
Legislative District 37A
Democratic (Vote for One)
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Name | Party | Early Voting | Election Day | Absentee / Provisional | Total | Percentage |
Sheree Sample-Hughes
Democratic | 132 | 542 | 0 | 674 | 100.0% |
Legislative District 37B
Democratic (Vote for No More Than Two – No more than One Delegate may be elected from a single county)
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Name | Party | Early Voting | Election Day | Absentee / Provisional | Total | Percentage |
Rodney Benjamin
(Dorchester County) |
Democratic | 160 | 724 | 0 | 884 | 55.8% |
Keasha N. Haythe
(Talbot County) |
Democratic | 127 | 572 | 0 | 699 | 44.2% |
Republican (Vote for No More Than Two – No more than One Delegate may be elected from a single county)
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Name | Party | Early Voting | Election Day | Absentee / Provisional | Total | Percentage |
Christopher T. Adams
(Wicomico County) |
Republican | 78 | 609 | 0 | 687 | 17.9% |
Rene Desmarais
(Wicomico County) |
Republican | 91 | 413 | 0 | 504 | 13.2% |
Johnny Mautz
(Talbot County) |
Republican | 149 | 948 | 0 | 1,097 | 28.7% |
Allen Nelson
(Dorchester County) |
Republican | 149 | 699 | 0 | 848 | 22.2% |
Karen Tolley
(Dorchester County) |
Republican | 112 | 580 | 0 | 692 | 18.1% |