UPDATE: PG Police must have taken a beating from the politically correct for their announcement that they were going to target hookers and johns. The PG Police had released the above photo on May 1st and now they have updated their HOOKER HOOKUP Blog with this post, promising that they are out to get JOHNS and not hookers, as if that won’t have a detrimental affect on their business.
Message to our Community About Upcoming Prostitution Sting
We’d like to share with our community more details on our plans to target johns in an upcoming prostitution sting. The announcement of the operation sparked intense discussion on social media, due in part, to the spread of misinformation. Our Vice Unit will target those who choose to solicit a prostitute, not prostitutes themselves. The intent all along has been to put on notice and/or arrest the very people who exploit women and even young girls in our community. Some young girls and women involved in prostitution are victims of human trafficking. Our Vice Unit regularly helps trafficked women connect with groups and advocates who help them escape the dangerous sex trade. We’re hoping the advance notice we’ve provided acts as a deterrent to would-be johns who choose to engage in this illegal behavior. This is another example of our department’s commitment to transparency. We’ll give our community real-time access to the PGPD’s Vice Unit which is dedicated to shutting down this type of illicit business and seeking help for its victims.
From PG Police: We won’t tell you when or where, other than it’s somewhere in the county sometime next week. The PGPD’s Vice Unit will conduct a prostitution sting that targets those soliciting prostitutes and we’ll tweet it out as it happens. From the ads to the arrests, we’ll show you how the PGPD is battling the oldest profession. Suspect photos and information will be tweeted. We’re using this progressive, and what we believe unprecedented, social media tactic to warn any potential participants that this type of criminal behavior is not welcome in Prince George’s County.
You can follow @PGPDNews and search #PGPDVice as we take you along for the takedowns.