Southern Md. Police Beat: TEN YEAR SENTENCE /Cops say drug dealer suspect “Big Man” kept good records of his sales; also has a record of leniency by prosecutors

LEONARDTOWN, MD. – It pays to keep track of which cokeheads owe money, who bought heroin last month, which pill poppers are the most dependable pill heads and to list suppliers who always give an annual calendar to their best customers.

According to Capt. Daniel Alioto, the commander of the Vice Narcotics Division of the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Department, the records kept by James W. Hughes, 26, of 46183 Unit B Drayden Road, in Drayden, Md., documented his activity in a drug ledger.

Southern Md. Police Beat: Crime Town Waldorf – Sheriff reports 7 criminal incidents while 116 went unreported

WALDORF, MD. — The sense of entitlement and special treatment on the part of the criminal class, shows that crime in Waldorf is a real danger to the public for shopping or simply being in one’s home or vehicle. The criminals and the heathens want your money and want your stuff and they want to sell drugs unrestricted to an entire class of mental midgets who want to buy the drugs.