Murder USA: Egads Batman! Norfolk might run low on vicious killers as cops sweep four dangerous accused killers off the streets!

On June 21, 2016, Mathis was charged with first-degree murder and the Harvey Police Department asked the U.S. Marshals in Chicago for assistance in arresting Mathis. U.S. Marshals figured out that Mathis had fled Illinois and was staying with family in Hampton.

Feds send Stigger to slammer; Armed Imperial Gangsta Bloods Drug Dealer Sentenced to 35 Years

Operating out of Virginia Beach hotel rooms and other residences in Hampton Roads, Stigger bought and sold, and managed others who sold, substantial amounts of cocaine and crack cocaine. He was regularly armed during the course of the drug conspiracy, including with an assault rifle and numerous handguns.

Virginia State Police continues probe into death of teen who decided to fight Portsmouth cop

During the encounter, based on witness accounts, a struggle ensued between the officer and the male subject. The male subject was subsequently shot by the officer. The Portsmouth Police officer immediately requested rescue to respond to the scene. The male subject, William L. Chapman II, 18, of the 100 block of Gilmerton Avenue in Portsmouth, died at the scene.